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2008 Report Analyzing Distribution and Trends of IP Address Allocation

The study report analyzes the distribution and the trends of IP address allocation in 238 countries for 2007.

From the data analysis (see Table 1 & Chart 1), the United States tops the allocation list by holding 37.73% of the IP addresses worldwide. It follows by United Kingdom (12.83%), Japan (7.64%), China (5.74%), Germany (3.81%), France (3.65%), Canada (2.81%), Korea (2.74%), Netherlands (2.00%) and Italy (1.67%). These Top 11 countries in the list occupied more than 80% of total allocated IP address ranges in the world in 2007. The rest 227 countries are sharing less than 20% of allocated IP address spaces.

From the chart analysis (see Chart 2), the United States and the Japan percentages in the IP address space is decreasing in slow pace. China IP address range is increasing at a fast pace and it could potentially overtake the number 3 spot in 2008. Other countries such as Germany and France are growing at slower rate compare to China relatively.

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McTim  –  Jan 30, 2008 5:38 PM


A few comments,

1.  The first para should read “The study report analyzes the distribution and the trends of IP address allocation in 238 countries using historical data.”  It seems unlikely that allocations and assignments to USA networks got 37% in 2007.

2, IP2location is certainly not an exact science.  Frequently, IP2geo-location tells me I am in Mauritius (home of AfriNIC), when in reality, I am in Uganda.

3. This post sounds like the stuff we saw in 2004, the discrepancy in total numbers allocated to networks is explained by the history of classfull addressing and the fact that in the USA, folks built network long before they did elsewhere.

4. If you look at the “chart2”, you see hardly any change in the data, when the text says “China IP address range is increasing at a fast pace and it could potentially overtake the number 3 spot in 2008.” This tells me clearly that it’s historical data and not just data from allocations made in 2007.  BTW, there ain’t no such thing as “China IP address range”, more accurately, one could say “The number of addresses allocated to networks in China (or allocated to Chinese companies) is increasing at a fast pace..”

Have I missed anything?


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