Alessandro Vesely

Alessandro Vesely

Tiny ISP and freelance programmer
Joined on August 1, 2005
Total Post Views: 59,632


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Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Alessandro Vesely on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2016 - Oct 26 on The Internet Needs a Security and Performance Upgrade
2016 - Oct 19 on The Future of Software Patents
2016 - Jul 28 on Feds Shut Down Largest File-Sharing Site KickassTorrents - Founder Arrested, Domains Seized
2016 - May 26 on We Need You: Industry Collaboration to Improve Registration Data Services
2016 - Mar 31 on The Second Machine Age Calls for Vision and Leadership
2016 - Feb 24 on Security, Backdoors and Control
2015 - Jan 20 on When DNSBLs Go Bad
2014 - Dec 27 on Email Vendors: Time to Build in DMARC
2014 - Nov 19 on The EFF and Hanlon's Razor
2014 - Jun 18 on Paul Vixie on How the Openness of the Internet Is Poisoning Us
2014 - Apr 09 on Yahoo Addresses a Security Problem by Breaking Every Mailing List in the World
2014 - Jan 29 on Fine Grained Mail Filtering With IPv6
2013 - Nov 28 on The Framing of "IP Transition" Fails to Come to Terms With Real Impact of the Internet
2013 - Oct 25 on An Internet Governance Update
2013 - Jul 26 on Four New Generic Top Level Domains
2013 - May 01 on Different Focus on Spam Needed
2013 - Feb 07 on The Incredible Leakyness of Commercial Mailers (Cont'd)
2012 - Oct 03 on European Privacy Authorities Object to ICANN Whois Proposals
2012 - Jun 06 on Don't Make Us Treat Our Customers Like Criminals!
2012 - May 09 on Spam from Mobile Networks? Who Woulda Thought...
2012 - Mar 07 on How Spam Has Damaged Mail Forwarding - And Ways to Get Around It
2012 - Mar 06 on How Spam Has Damaged Mail Forwarding - And Ways to Get Around It
2012 - Feb 08 on Phish or Fair?
2011 - Dec 16 on Greylisting Still Works - Part II
2011 - Oct 23 on The Mainsleaze Blog
2011 - Oct 21 on The Mainsleaze Blog
2011 - Sep 24 on The Design of the Domain Name System, Part VIII - Names Outside the DNS
2011 - Sep 14 on Internet: Government Dominance or Governance?
2011 - Jul 19 on Hot Legal Action in Canada!
2011 - May 25 on A True Final Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem?
2011 - May 07 on How the End of IPv4 Affects Email and Hosting
2011 - Apr 20 on 9 Thoughts on Stepping Up Spam and Malware Enforcement
2011 - Apr 13 on Real. Or. Phish?
2011 - Mar 30 on Digging Through the Problem of IPv6 and Email - Part 1
2011 - Mar 10 on IP Blocklists, Email, and IPv6
2011 - Feb 23 on Is Amazon Playing Chicken With Mailbox Providers?
2011 - Feb 11 on How the End of IPv4 Affects Email and Hosting
2010 - Oct 16 on The Spamhaus Whitelist
2010 - Sep 12 on ARF is Now an IETF Standard
2010 - Aug 25 on Digital Rights Management or Digital Restrictive Management?
2010 - May 19 on The Sad State of WHOIS, and Why Criminals Love It
2010 - Mar 14 on Sender Address Verification: Still a Bad Idea
2010 - Mar 09 on Are Portable Email Addresses Possible?
2010 - Jan 08 on Email Related Predictions for 2010
2009 - Dec 16 on ISPs Are Speaking, Is Anyone Listening?
2009 - Nov 30 on Opposition Mounts in Europe to Three-Strikes Proposals
2009 - Sep 16 on The US as Keeper of a 'Free' Internet?
2009 - Aug 26 on Helping Banks Fight Phishing and Account Fraud, Whether They Like It or Not
2009 - Aug 12 on Why Can't We Make the Internet Secure?
2009 - Jul 22 on Think China Is the Highest Spamming Country? Think Again
2009 - Jul 21 on Think China Is the Highest Spamming Country? Think Again
2009 - Jul 05 on What are TLDs Good For?
2009 - Jul 05 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jun 10 on Fight Phishing With Branding
2009 - May 20 on China Calls for an End to the Internet Governance Forum
2009 - Apr 22 on The Cybersecurity Act of 2009
2009 - Mar 25 on How Hard Is It to Deploy DKIM?
2008 - Oct 22 on Users Don't Like Forwarded Spam
2008 - Sep 25 on Google Predicting Next Ten Years of the Internet
2008 - Sep 17 on Virginia Court Throws Out Spam Law; One Spammer Gets Away With It
2008 - May 24 on Are Botnets Run by Spy Agencies?
2008 - May 01 on Microsoft's Contribution Was TCP/IP
2008 - Apr 13 on Sender Address Verification: Still a Bad Idea
2008 - Mar 30 on More on the Soloway Case
2008 - Jan 16 on Up to 300 Megawatt Worth of Keepalive Messages to be Saved by IPv6?
2008 - Jan 10 on Up to 300 Megawatt Worth of Keepalive Messages to be Saved by IPv6?
2007 - Oct 18 on The "Internet of Things," the Internet and Internet Governance
2007 - Oct 03 on A Consociational Bureau for the Internet Governance Forum
2007 - Aug 11 on Spam: You've Come a Long Way, Baby
2007 - Jun 26 on Opt-In Permission for Mailing Lists: Is It Enough?
2007 - Jun 07 on The New Hong Kong Anti-Spam Law, and a Small Fly in the Ointment
2007 - Jun 07 on The New Hong Kong Anti-Spam Law, and a Small Fly in the Ointment
2007 - May 26 on Hotmail Running Its Own SMTP Variation
2007 - May 20 on Hotmail Running Its Own SMTP Variation
2007 - Feb 01 on Trench Warfare in the Age of The Laser-Guided Missile
2006 - Dec 31 on Map of the Internet: The IPv4 Space of 2006
2006 - Jan 05 on Europe is to the US Controlled GPS as Europe is to the US Controlled DNS Root?
2005 - Aug 02 on Address Policies
2005 - Aug 01 on Address Policies

Topic Interests

Policy & RegulationSpamEmailRegistry ServicesPrivacyLawCybersecurityThreat IntelligenceDNSIPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsEnumInternet ProtocolRegional RegistriesICANNDomain NamesAccess ProvidersCyberattackCybercrimeMalwareCensorshipInternet GovernanceVoIPMobile InternetTelecomNetworksDDoS AttackWebIPTVDNS SecurityNew TLDsBroadbandP2PWhoisBrand ProtectionCloud ComputingMultilinguismNet NeutralityInternet of ThingsArtificial Intelligence

Recent Blogs

Am I Safer Within an Organization or by Myself?

Review Your Email Forwarding Practices

Abuse Reporting: Names vs Numbers

Turn the Table on Content Filtering

Hotmail Running Its Own SMTP Variation

Popular Posts

Hotmail Running Its Own SMTP Variation

Turn the Table on Content Filtering

Review Your Email Forwarding Practices

Abuse Reporting: Names vs Numbers

Am I Safer Within an Organization or by Myself?