Rodney Joffe

Rodney Joffe

Senior Vice-President and Senior Technologist at Neustar
Joined on September 16, 2005
Total Post Views: 17,191


Rodney Joffe is Senior Vice-President and Senior Technologist of Neustar, Inc (NYSE:NSR). He assumed this role after the acquisition in 2006 of UltraDNS Corporation, a directory services company he founded in 1999. His responsibilities include defining and guiding the technical direction of the company’s Internet Infrastructure Services Group as well as heading the company’s cybersecurity initiatives.

Prior to founding UltraDNS, Joffe was the founder and CTO of Genuity, one of the largest Internet Service and Hosting Providers in the world, which was acquired by GTE in 1997. Upon acquisition, Joffe took the position of CTO, GTE Internetworking Business Services.

Joffe is frequently called upon to assist Federal Authorities with regards to investigating and protecting against cyber-crime and cyber-terrorist activities where he is a recognized expert. He regularly briefs the White House and House/Senate groups on the subject, and has testified before Congress. In addition to publishing a number of confidential papers in the field, he participated as a “Designated Trusted Agent” on the planning committee for the DHS’s CyberStorm II International Cyber-Terrorism exercise in March 2008 and participated in CyberStorm III as a lead on the core scenario design team in September 2010.

Joffe is also a founder and currently chairs the Conficker Working Group, acknowledged as a “BCP” (Best Current Practice) model for public/private partnerships for APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) mitigation. He has also provided guidance to and sits on four similar Threat Focus Cells geared towards other APTs.

Besides these operational activities, Joffe is also active in Internet governance bodies, serving currently on the ICANN SSAC (Security and Stability Advisory Committee) and previously on both the ICANN RSTEP (Registry Services Technical Evaluation Panel) the ICANN NOMCOM (Nominating Committee) where he served three terms. He is a founding member of the Advisory Board of the Postel Center at USC/ISI, and is engaged in several Internet engineering organizations including OARC (Operations, Analysis, and Research Center), NANOG (North American Network Operators’ Group), ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers), and the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). He holds a number of issued and pending patents in the network security field.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Rodney Joffe on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Topic Interests

DNSDNS SecurityCybersecurityCyberattackDDoS AttackNetworksThreat IntelligenceCybercrime

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