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So You’ve Got Some Big Data, but Now What?

As Internet connection continues on a steady path of becoming a ubiquitous commodity in mature markets, we saw an eruption of big data tracking and analysis software in 2014. But what are operators going to do with all this new information? And how can they turn data into revenue?

To start with, providers need more than just a data measurement tool. They need a solution that can analyze real-time data and then automate processes to optimize their networks and improve their subscribers’ experiences. It’s no secret that modern day subscribers demand the best in Quality of Experience (QoE) from their service providers, and properly using your analytics is the easiest way to make this happen.

Network congestion will continue to be a hot topic this year, and as more users switch to bandwidth-intensive OTT content services like Netflix, Spotify, and Hulu (not to mention the illegal streaming we all know is going on), operator networks are frequently becoming strained with excessive bandwidth consumption. One way to lessen this congestion is to find out which of your subscribers are targets for bandwidth upgrades. By tracking subscriber usage per CMTS and mapping that data with your existing SLA information, you’ll be able to quickly target users on your network that routinely exceed their service quotas. This not only helps you transition any over-using basic service level subscribers into higher service classes, but it also ensures that incoming revenue matches the bandwidth capacity used. And the best part? This whole process can be automated, saving your OPEX budget.

And that’s just the beginning. With accurate subscriber data at your fingertips, you can proactively plan new network infrastructure (aka CAPEX) to manage your growing service areas more effectively. Over time, this means that underutilized hardware or an overburdened CMTS becomes a thing of the past. With the right solution on your side, you’re now able to use historical trending to ingeniously plan for network growth. This ensures that money spent on resources is being used effectively, subscribers are getting the service speeds that they’re promised, and QoE stays high—because let’s not forget: high QoE equals low churn rate, and low churn rate equals steady revenue.

Another method for positively impacting your bottom line—which has more to do with cost savings than revenue generation—is to clean up your stale IP addresses instead of spending money on new ones. Whether you like to admit it or not, almost every operator has unused, or at least underutilized, IP addresses located somewhere within their networks. By running a solution that discovers your entire network space, analyzes an accurate view of your current IP usage, and then automates the reallocation of your stale IPs, you’ll optimize your network resources and save costs the next time you think you need to approach your local RIR.

These are just a few ways your can start turning data into revenue. By now, you’ve likely already started gathering it—now start using it!

By Stephane Bourque, Founder, CEO and President at Incognito Software Systems

Incognito Software Systems is a global provider of broadband device provisioning, IP address management, bandwidth monitoring, and service activation solutions.

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