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IANA Transition Under Further Attack, Now Officially Blocked by Republican Policy

“Handover of US internet control to ICANN now officially blocked by Republican policy,” Kieren McCarthy reporting today in The Register: “The planned transition of the internet’s critical technical functions from the US government to a technical body may come under further attack after the Republican Party officially agreed to block it on Monday. The Republican Platform for 2016 was formally approved during a chaotic first day of the party’s national convention in Cleveland, and among its 66 pages of policy positions is its stance on ‘Protecting Internet Freedom.’”

Philip S. Corwin reporting earlier today on CircleID: “Just after this article was published the Republican party adopted its 2016 Platform. The language relating to the IANA transition can be found at p. 25 ...”

Quoting from the Republican Platform 2016: “The survival of the internet as we know it is at risk. Its gravest peril originates in the White House, the current occupant of which has launched a campaign, both at home and internationally, to subjugate it to agents of government. ... [The president] has unilaterally announced America’s abandonment of the international internet by surrendering U.S. control of the root zone of web names and addresses. He threw the internet to the wolves, and they—Russia, China, Iran, and others—are ready to devour it.”

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Blocked? Avri Doria  –  Jul 20, 2016 7:39 AM

How does the Republican platform, just a wish list, effectively achieve anything, let alone block the transition.

To watch these Republicans work so hard against privatization is a prime example of hypocrisy. One might be forgiven for thinking Republicanism was a form Socialism.

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