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Encrypted Email Sign Ups Have Doubled Since Trump Victory, Says PortonMail

Since Trump’s victory, the number of new users signing up for the Switzerland-based encrypted email service provider, ProtonMail, has doubled compared to the previous week, the company reported. In the special post-election report, the company has revealed that many of its users have voiced a few common concerns both on Twitter and via emails: “Given Trump’s campaign rhetoric against journalists, political enemies, immigrants, and Muslims, there is concern that Trump could use the new tools at his disposal to target certain groups. As the NSA currently operates completely out of the public eye with very little legal oversight, all of this could be done in secret.”

“How much power over the NSA does Trump have?” Andy Yen, co-founder of ProtonMail writes: “Due to the way the US government is structured, President Trump will have a large amount of control over the NSA. The NSA is not different from any other federal agency which the president controls. The US president will be able to dictate how the agency operates through his power to appoint the NSA Director. The NSA Director needs to be confirmed through majority vote by the US Senate, but due to Republican control over the Senate, President Trump will have complete freedom to appoint anyone he wants to carry out his orders.”

“It is tempting to blame all this on Trump and his supporters, but that is taking the easy way out. All Trump does is put a new face on the existing privacy problem, so now it concerns a segment of the population that previously didn’t care as much. ProtonMail users have always come from both the left and right side of the political spectrum. Today, we are seeing an influx of liberal users, but ProtonMail has also long been popular with the political right, who were truly worried about big government spying, and the Obama administration having access to their communications. Now the tables have turned.”

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