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Coalition for Digital Africa Announces IXP Initiative

This latest initiative announced by the Coalition for Digital Africa will focus on strengthening the Internet infrastructure across the continent by enhancing five existing Internet exchange points (IXPs).

The initiative is supported by a grant from ICANN and will be implemented by the Internet Society (ISOC) and will involve identifying five IXPs based on their potential to make a high impact on the respective local and sub-regional markets. A local manager will be identified and recruited for each IXP to be responsible for implementing the action plan and achieving measurable project targets while receiving training and support from ISOC.

Research from the Internet Society shows that IXPs improve the end-user experience through lowering the costs of Internet access and stimulating the development of local Internet ecosystems and cross-border interconnection. The initiative is part of a series of initiatives aimed at improving accessibility to the Internet under the auspices of the Coalition for Digital Africa, which is an alliance of like-minded organizations committed to building robust and secure Internet infrastructure to bring more Africans online.

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