Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet / Industry Updates

To Accelerate 5G Adoption, European Telcos Need More IP Addresses

European telecommunication service providers are being pushed to pick up the pace regarding 5G adoption. However, the next-gen technology requires immense data capacity and transmission speeds, thus setting up the new infrastructure is no easy task for telcos.

Leasing IPv4 Addresses in the Dawn of the New Internet Era

Increased use of internet services, broader application of IoT devices, and COVID-related shift to remote work are just a few factors accelerating the transition to the new era of the Internet. However, the current network architecture is falling behind the imposed expectations to support new-age integrations, leaving one to wonder if the gap will close up any time soon.

Shopping and the Pandemic: Increased Reliance on Mobile Apps 

Savvy retailers who expanded their offerings to include e-commerce app options have reaped the benefits of this forethought during the coronavirus outbreak. As the pandemic has driven more shoppers to buy online, retailers who offer e-commerce apps have seen dramatic increases in the number of sales, even as traditional shopping has dropped off precipitously.

Internet and Mobile Exploitation of the Coronavirus

Following our initial blog on the subject of Internet sites and domains seeking to profit from the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, we dug deeper into the topic. Appdetex looked at keywords within domain names, website content, social media handles and marketplace listings that would likely be related to the coronavirus outbreak. Though the result of this work is related to a very limited set of keywords, the quantities of results delivered are statistically significant in many cases.

Mobile Apps Take the Lead, Scammers Follow

Mobile commerce has just reached another landmark milestone. For the first time ever, mobile transactions made up almost $1 of every $3 spent online during the post-Thanksgiving 2019 shopping weekend.

Did Cashless Banking Help Make Android the Most Popular OS in Sweden?

DeviceAtlas has released its latest report on mobile device usage around the globe. The latest report focused on usage of the most popular Apple and Samsung devices across the four quarters of 2018 and analyzed the smartphone upgrade cycle.

Afilias Launches DeviceAssure to Close Security Gaps from Counterfeit Mobile Devices

Launched today at Mobile World Congress, DeviceAssure is a new solution that uses patent pending technology to address the growing problems caused by counterfeit devices.

New Chinese “Mobile” Top-Level Domain Now Available

Global registry services provider and dotMobi registry operator Afilias today announced the general availability of its first Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) at the top level: .?? (.MOBILE in Chinese).

Afilias Announces Its First Internationalized TLD With the Launch of .MOBILE in Chinese

Global registry services provider Afilias today announced that March 14, 2014, is the sunrise launch date for its first Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) at the top level: .?? (.MOBILE in Chinese).

Maximizing the Mobile Web User Experience: Tips of the Trade

The CTIA reported in its Semi-Annual Wireless Industry Survey at the end of 2012 that there are 326 million mobile devices in the United States, 12 million more than there are people. But what's intriguing is that what started out as communication devices are increasingly being used as transaction devices.