Charlie Abrahams

Charlie Abrahams

Advisor and Commentator on the Brand Protection and Domain Management Sectors
Joined on July 1, 2022
Total Post Views: 27,217


Charlie Abrahams has been involved in the Online Brand Protection and Domain Management space for more than fourteen years and is widely considered one of the “founding fathers” of the sector. Having led the worldwide commercial organization for the market leader, Charlie has worked with the most infringed brands on the planet over several years, to help them deal with online fraud, counterfeiting and digital piracy.

Charlie is a media spokesperson and thought leader on the topic appearing on BBC Breakfast, Channel 4, multiple radio stations and speaking at conferences such as “eCrime” and “the Global Secure Summit”.

Having retired from operational duties in 2020, Charlie now helps investors, vendors and end users understand how to handle the challenges involved in the expanding digital landscape and optimize their strategies via

Charlie holds a Master’s Degree in Economics and Sociology from Cambridge University.
