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Phishers Using New Web-Based Technique ‘In-Session Phishing’ to Steal User Data, Researchers Warn

Security researchers have identified a new phishing attack method designed to trick users into surrendering confidential information after they have logged on to an online banking, brokerage, or other sensitive website. The technique, called In Session Phishing, can be used to inject into all major browsers legitimate looking Pop Up messages using malicious JavaScript that request passwords, account numbers, etc., on behalf of the trusted website.

“We have been investigating new phishing methods with a specific focus on what we call ‘in-session’ attacks, which are more likely to succeed since they occur after a user has logged onto a banking or other secure website,” said Amit Klein, CTO of Trusteer and head of the company’s research organization. “Our research has found that all the leading browsers, based on their design, are vulnerable to this technique. We have already notified the vendors and our customers, and now are alerting the public to practice safe web browsing techniques especially when accessing financial applications.”

Related Links:
In Session Phishing Attacks Advisory by Trusteer (PDF)
New Phishing Attack Targets Online Banking Sessions With Phony Popups LightReading

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