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Akamai Reports Record Streaming, Web Content on Obama’s Presidential Inauguration

Web traffic delivery surged to record levels during President Barack Obama’s inauguration yesterday, according to content delivery network provider, Akamai. As the largest day ever for the delivery of concurrent live streaming over Akamai’s global servers, the company reported it delivered a peak of over 7 million active simultaneous streams (the majority being live streams) at approximately 12:15 p.m. ET on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. Typical simultaneous streams on an average day are less than 1 million.

Akamai, which says it currently handles 20% of the world’s total web traffic, saw traffic on its network surpass a rate of more than 2 terabits per second at approximately 12:15 p.m. ET yesterday, delivering over 12,000,000 requests per second at the same time.

As the largest day ever for the delivery of concurrent live streaming over the Akamai EdgePlatform, the company reported it delivered a peak of over 7 million active simultaneous streams (the majority being live streams) at approximately 12:15 p.m. ET, Tuesday, January 20, 2009. The figure shows a snapshot of the real-time view of streaming on the Akamai’s EdgePlatform.
Source: Akamai Real-Time Visualization


“In addition to the historic nature of the Inauguration, it is now clear that this event has driven unprecedented demand from a global online audience,” said Robert Hughes, Akamai VP. “With the Inauguration occurring during work-day hours in the U.S., we witnessed record numbers of live streams served in support of many leading news businesses.”

Related Links:
Obama inauguration sets Web traffic record, Akamai says Network World, Jan.21.2009
Like never before, inauguration experienced online Associated Press, Jan.21.2009
Akamai Delivers Record Streaming and Web Content During Historic Presidential Inauguration Akamai Press Release, Jan.20.2009

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