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AOL Issues This Week to Look Out For

A few issues may affect some senders/outbound mail across the email industry this week. Listed below,

Seemingly false RLY:B1 bounces:

A few folks in the industry said they saw false positives of RLY:B1 blocks since Monday the 8th. If you notice these, ensure you follow necessary procedure: check to see all is good on your end, and then submit a support ticket to AOL’s postmaster group.

Internet Inbound Mail Delays:

There are comments on AOL’s postmaster blog about delays across the inbound lanes. Note the following:

1. For senders with a RED IP reputation, you’ll see delays connecting to AOL’s internet inbound complex.

2. For senders with GREEN & YELLOW IP reputations, you may experience delays in delivering mail to AOL members irrespective of successful connections with their inbound servers.


• Read more about this at AOL’s Postmaster blog.

• Check your IP reputation with AOL at their IP reputation lookup page.

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By Udeme Ukutt, Postmaster at Wish

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