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ARI Registry Asks ICANN to Delay Digital Archery and Batching Processes

ARI Registry has submitted a letter to ICANN today requesting its Board and staff to delay the launch of the digital archery batching mechanism and review of the new gTLD program for further review. “Batching was included in ICANN’s thinking because there were an unknown number of applications for new gTLDs… We suggest that, given the data that is publically available, these two objectives can be met without batching and without a significant or unreasonable impact on timelines.”

To download the letter click here.

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By ARI Registry Services, The TLD Specialists

ARI Registry Services is driving innovation and the expansion of the Internet through the delivery of world-class domain name registry services. With over 10 years of experience, ARI Registry Services is a leading provider of Domain Name Registry Infrastructure Services and DNS Services for generic Top-Level Domain applicants and country code Registry Operators. We help governments, major brands and entrepreneurs across the globe realise the full potential of the Internet by providing expertise, security and reliability in operating a core piece of Internet infrastructure.

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