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INET New York: Open Forum of the Copyright Alert System - Thursday 11/15

Paul Brigner, Internet Society North American Regional Bureau Director, invites you to attend the New York INET being held on November 15, 3pm, at the New York Law School.The Copyright Alert System, the result of a deal between big content and big ISPs, is a graduated response program—popularly known as the six strikes—that escalates from nastygrams, to copyright school, to Internet throttling. Just like SOPA/PIPA, enforcement targets will be arbitrarily selected by the content owners, but unlike SOPA/PIPA there will be no appeal via the courts—only to an arbitration firm hired by the program.

There is no question that the plan will have a chilling effect on the Open WiFi movement and thus impede speech. In other countries such plans, arguably ineffective, have only been implemented after a lengthy public process—but in the USA, none.

With the plan due to kick in on November 28, on Thursday November 15 2012 the Internet Society will present ‘INET New York: An Open Forum on The Copyright Alert System’ at the New York Law School, with speakers representing the MPAA, RIAA, Verizon, and Time Warner, plus advocates of the public interest. The forum is open to the public, free, and will also be webcast live.

This is the only opportunity for Internet users to speak up before the program commences. If you are in NYC show up and let your voice be heard.

What: INET New York – An Open Forum on the Copyright Alert System
When: November 15 2012, 3–7 PM
Where: New York Law School, 185 West Broadway NYC
Links: Agenda | Registrations (free) | Submit Questions | Webcast | Press Release
Twitter hashtags: #inetny | #copyright | #6strikes

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