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The Discrepancy in Confusion and Similarity Decisions of New gTLDs

After more than half of the new gTLD String Confusion Objection determinations that have been published we have updated our popular chart which compares the Visual Similarity (determined by the SWORD tool) with the results of the String Confusion Objections.

We found that there is a huge discrepancy in what has been expected in the ICANN community and what the “Experts” have be decided. Moreover there are contrary decisions for the same string pairs (e.g. .CAM/.COM and .COM/.ECOM). And interestingly prejustice was made by ICDR panelist arguing that if ICANN does not decide that strings are similar they are hardly similar.

You can download the impressive PDF Chart at our company website.

More information and details on individual decisions can be found on

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By Dirk Krischenowski, Founder and CEO of dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG

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same old story Michael Berkens  –  Sep 16, 2013 4:02 AM


For those in the domain industry for a long time, (I’m going on 15+ years) and following arbitration decisions on domains, its not a surprise that the decisions are inconsistent, don’t follow previous decisions, and different panels can come to completely different decisions on the same set of facts.

Welcome to the domain world

Despite the name, I don't think uniformity Kevin Murphy  –  Sep 16, 2013 8:26 AM

Despite the name, I don't think uniformity and predictability were prerequisites of the UDRP, whereas they are with the new gTLD program.

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