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Registration Operations Workshop at ICANN57 Hyderabad

Following a very successful series of workshops held during IETF meetings, the next Registration Operations Workshop (ROW) is now being held during the upcoming ICANN meeting in Hyderabad, India. While the previous workshops were of advanced topics attended by industry experts, the current one will be more of a tutorial and is open to all interested parties.

In keeping with the Registration Operations’ focus of the ROW, the session will include a presentation on the genesis and evolution of Whois featuring the various policies that brought Whois to where we are right now, as well as the requirements, defined by the ICANN community, for the next generation registration data protocol, the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP). This will be presented by Joe Waldron, Verisign. Subsequently, Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) and RDAP specific tutorials will be presented by Francisco Arias, ICANN.

Lastly, there will be a Q&A session on those topics or any related topic. Given the tutorial nature of this specific workshop, the sessions are embedded in the “How it works” sessions at the beginning of the ICANN57 meeting, on Thursday and Friday, 13h45-15h00, Hall 5 of the convention center. See https://icann572016.sched.org.

The ROW committee is already busy planning another workshop for spring 2017. More information and presentations and videos of previous ROW workshops available at http://regiops.net. Thanks to Verisign and ICANN as ROW series sponsors.

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By Marc Blanchet, Internet Network Engineer and Consultant

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