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2.6 Billion Records Were Stolen, Lost or Exposed Worldwide in 2017, an 88% Increase From 2016

Over the past five years, nearly 10 billion records have been lost, stolen or exposed, with an average of five million records compromised every day. This according to a report released by digital security provider, Gemalto which has also revealed that 2.6 billion records were stolen, lost or exposed worldwide in 2017, an 88% increase from 2016. From the report: “Of the 1,765 data breach incidents in 2017, identity theft represented the leading type of data breach, accounting for 69% of all data breaches. Malicious outsiders remained the number one cybersecurity threat last year at 72% of all breach incidents.  Companies in the healthcare, financial services and retail sectors were the primary targets for breaches last year. However, government and educational institutions were not immune to cyber risks in 2017, making up 22% of all breaches.”

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