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Who Played a Major Role in Advancing the Internet? Nominations Open for 2019 Internet Hall of Fame

Do you know someone who has played a major role in the development and advancement of the Internet? Now is the time to recognize their contribution. Nominate them for the 2019 Internet Hall of Fame.

With more than 100 inductees, the Internet Hall of Fame celebrates Internet pioneers and innovators who have pushed the boundaries to bring the Internet to life and make it an essential resource for billions of people today.

The Internet Hall of Fame, launched in 2012 by the Internet Society, recognizes:

  • Individuals who were instrumental in the design and development of the Internet with exceptional achievements that impacted the Internet’s global advancement and evolution;
  • Individuals who made outstanding technological, commercial, or other advances and helped to expand the Internet’s positive impact on the lives of others;
  • Individuals who made major contributions to the growth, connectivity, and use of the Internet, either on a global scale or within a specific region that resulted in global impact.

For more information or to make a nomination, visit

The deadline for nominations is 8 March 2019.

Please help us spread the news and share this message with your networks and contacts. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

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By Dan York, Author and Speaker on Internet technologies - and Senior Advisor at Internet Society

Dan is a Senior Advisor at the Internet Society but opinions posted on CircleID are his own. View more of Dan’s writing and audio here.

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