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AFRINIC “In a Bad Situation”, Has Not Been Able to Constitute a Board and Has No CEO

The complicated events surrounding the African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) were brought to light this week by ARIN’s President and CEO John Curran during a recent presentation followed by a report today by Simon Sharwood of The Register.

The big picture: AFRINIC has no board, no CEO, and has sometimes been close to not being able to pay its staff. This is due to legal action that has prevented AFRINIC from constituting a board and appointing a new leader. As a result, other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have offered financial support to ensure that AFRINIC can pay its staff. The current issues stem from litigation launched by an entity called Cloud Innovation Limited that was assigned several million IP addresses by the registry.

What’s next: The Number Resource Organization (NRO) is the coordinating body for the world’s RIRs and has been unable to intervene due to the unforeseen situation. There is an apparent link between the NRS and Larus, which is connected to the Larus Foundation and the CEO of Cloud Innovation. It is unclear what role Larus staff have undertaken for NRS, if any. It is clear that the situation surrounding AFRINIC is a complicated one, and further investigation is needed to understand the complexities of it.

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NRO is not related to NRS Andrew Dul  –  Feb 23, 2023 9:36 AM

The Number Resource Organization (NRO) https://nro.net/ is not related to the NRS.

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