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China Reports Record-Breaking 1.2 Terabit-Per-Second Internet Speed Spanning 3,000km

Photo: Tsinghua University

China has announced the completion of a 3,000-kilometer (1,860-mile) internet network, claimed to be the world’s fastest, with a bandwidth of 1.2 terabits per second. This network, extending from Beijing to the south, is a collaboration between Huawei Technologies Co., China Mobile Ltd., Tsinghua University, and Corp. The project, which began trials on July 31, is hailed as a significant technological breakthrough, outpacing typical global internet speeds.

The network, showcasing China’s capabilities in high-tech infrastructure, is described as an industry-first, relying entirely on domestic technology. Tsinghua University, where Chinese President Xi Jinping studied, emphasizes the role of Huawei in this achievement. The project’s success aligns with Huawei’s recent launch of a 5G smartphone equipped with a sophisticated Chinese-made processor, sparking pride in the Chinese state and social media. However, this development has also intensified discussions in Washington regarding the Biden administration’s approach to managing China’s technological advancements.

Despite the claims, the reported claims have not yet been verified. In a comparable development, Nokia, a global competitor of Huawei, announced in February that it achieved 1.2 terabits per second over approximately 118 km in Europe. The official Xinhua News Agency released the announcement on Tsinghua’s website.

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