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ICANN Launches Global Service for Nonpublic Domain Name Registration Data Requests

ICANN has introduced the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), offering a standardized way to request access to nonpublic data for generic top-level domains (gTLDs). This service aims to simplify the process, affected by personal data protection laws that have led to redaction of personal data from public records.

The RDRS provides a unified platform for handling requests for nonpublic gTLD registration data. This system is intended to benefit law enforcement, intellectual property professionals, consumer protection advocates, and government officials, among others. It serves as a one-stop shop for submitting and tracking these requests, although it doesn’t guarantee data access.

According to ICANN, the RDRS simplifies the request process by using a single form and platform, thus streamlining the identification of the correct registrar for a domain name. It offers a centralized location for managing and tracking requests, beneficial for both requestors and registrars.

The RDRS will gather usage data to inform ICANN policy decisions related to a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure. The effectiveness and accuracy of the data will depend on the participation of registrars and requestors.

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WHOIS "Disclosure" System that ICANN just rolled out is a Joke Rick Lane  –  Dec 12, 2023 1:40 PM

The situation of the Dark WHOIS at ICANN is getting worse. The WHOIS “disclosure” system that ICANN just rolled out is a joke and a delaying tactic by the contracted parties that will not solve the problem and thus will continue to put US cybersecurity, consumer privacy, and child protection at risk. In fact, for accuracy, it was renamed to “WHOIS Request System.”

The WHOIS Request system is voluntary, only applies to the registrars, not the registries like Verisign that manages .com, and has no data accuracy requirements. Since there is no mandate for an ICANN contracted party to “disclose” data or even participate in the request system, this system is the current status quo.

So, to predict the outcome, the data will show that this “Request” ticketing system will not be utilized, thus allowing ICANN and the contracted parties to argue that there is no real interest in WHOIS data. In the meantime, after 5 years of ICANN trying to fix the Dark WHOIS problem and an additional two years with this system, US cybersecurity and consumer/child protection will continue to be at greater risk.

ICANN73 GAC DNS Accuracy & Abuse Presentation

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