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ICANN Launches $10 Million Grant Program to Boost Global Internet Growth

ICANN, the organization overseeing the Domain Name System, has announced a $10 million grant initiative to propel projects supporting “the growth of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet.” The first application cycle for grants is set to open in March 2024.

As per the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 5.3 billion people globally accessed the Internet in 2022, showcasing a 6.1% growth from the previous year. ICANN’s Grant Program aims to bolster the inclusive and transparent development of stable and secure internet infrastructure solutions to support the Internet’s identifier systems.

“With the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, businesses and security models, it is critical that the Internet’s unique identifier systems continue to evolve,” said Sally Costerton, Interim President and CEO, ICANN. “The ICANN Grant Program offers a new avenue to further those efforts by investing in projects that are committed to and support ICANN’s vision of a single, open and globally interoperable Internet that fosters inclusion amongst a broad, global community of users.”

ICANN is set to accept grant applications from March 25, 2024, to May 24, 2024. Following closure, applications will undergo checks for admissibility and eligibility. The Independent Application Assessment Panel will review and announce the grantees tentatively in January 2025.

See the ICANN Grant Program Applicant Guide for eligibility and submission requirements.

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