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FCC Banning Wireless Devices that Interfere with White Spaces Spectrum

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a ban on some wireless microphones and other low-powered devices that operate in the 700-MHz band after the digital TV transition in February, next year. This is part of an attempt to clear any potential interference with the “white spaces” spectrum which will be fully available for “public safety as well as commercial wireless services”.

“So almost 7 months after the start of the 700 MHz auction that produced income of $19 billion, FCC is finally getting around to kicking the wireless microphones out of the band they have sold to others for use starting in 2/09, less than 6 months from now,” says Michael Marcus, radio technology and spectrum policy consultant who formerly worked at FCC. “But don’t expect immediate action. The NPRM only proposes to stop legal use of channels 52-69 for wireless microphones. But since most use is already illegal the real impact is questionable. It proposes to stop approving new models and freezes all pending applications for equipment authorization, but previously approved models can be imported and sold by the thousands pending further action.”

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