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Chinese Hackers Had Access to Canadian Government Systems for Years, Report Reveals

Illustration: Shutterstock

For five years, Canadian government networks have been vulnerable to Chinese state-sponsored cyber espionage, according to a recent report by Canada’s Communications Security Establishment (CSE). The National Cyber Threat Assessment 2025-2026, issued by the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, details how Chinese hackers infiltrated and continuously accessed various government IT systems, gathering valuable political and strategic information.

The cyber-attacks targeted a wide spectrum of government levels—including federal, provincial, and Indigenous networks—suggesting a comprehensive surveillance operation. Investigators assert that while known breaches have been addressed, the attackers demonstrated a persistent effort to learn the network’s intricacies, indicating potential residual risks from their longstanding presence.

Notably, specific cyber-attacks were directed at critics of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), particularly members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). In 2021, targeted officials received emails embedded with tracking software, enabling detailed reconnaissance of government devices.

The report further highlights China’s interest in gaining a technological edge, with the hackers seeking insights into Canada’s advancements in sectors like quantum computing, 6G, and advanced robotics. In addition to governmental infrastructure, private sector entities within these high-tech fields also came under cyber surveillance, hinting at the potential economic motives behind China’s operations.

While these findings come as no surprise—Canada previously warned of increased reconnaissance scans on government networks—the revelations underscore ongoing cybersecurity vulnerabilities amid a period of intensified geopolitical tension. The Canadian government’s recent acknowledgment of these threats points to a heightened awareness but also a daunting task ahead in securing critical digital assets against sophisticated state-backed adversaries.

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