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New VPN Protocol Outsmarts VPN Blockers

NordVPN has introduced NordWhisper, a new protocol designed to bypass VPN restrictions in countries such as Russia and India. The protocol mimics regular internet traffic, making it difficult for internet service providers (ISPs) and websites to detect and block VPN usage.

Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow users to encrypt their internet activity, ensuring privacy and circumventing geo-restrictions. This is particularly useful in nations with strict online censorship. However, VPNs are often identified and blocked because their servers process an unusually high volume of requests from a single IP address.

NordWhisper aims to counteract this by making VPN traffic appear indistinguishable from standard online activity. While this could help users evade restrictions, NordVPN acknowledges that the solution is not foolproof and may lead to increased latency.

The protocol is initially available on Windows, Linux, and Android, with broader platform support expected later. It comes at a time when governments like China and Russia are intensifying crackdowns on VPN services. Russia has even experimented with isolating its domestic internet from the global web.

Although VPNs provide enhanced security, some providers have been criticized for potential data privacy risks, as user activity is routed through third-party servers. The cat-and-mouse game between censorship efforts and circumvention tools continues, but for now, NordVPN’s latest innovation offers a potential workaround for those seeking unrestricted access to the internet.

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