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New Australian Law Could Turn ISPs Into Online Sheriffs

According to reports today, the Australian federal government made a drastic change to a bill that could potentially allow ISPs to police online traffic. Karen Dearne of the Australian IT reports: “Electronic Frontiers Australia spokesman Geordie Guy said it was unclear if the draft Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill was an “attempt to sneak through” a wholesale expansion of intercepts of private emails and file-sharing or merely a badly drafted bill.”

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I thought people had stopped recycling this tired old meme Suresh Ramasubramanian  –  Sep 30, 2009 4:41 AM

First the EFF five or six years back .. and now its the EFA’s turn.

“Police state”, “vigilantes”, “spying” .. every single meme that can be borrowed from the McCarthy era, 1984 etc gets recycled and bent out of shape to apply it to legitimate spam filtering, security etc - a lot of things that do a lot more to protect users’ privacy than the EF* organizations have ever done or will ever do in a lifetime of snidely worded press releases.

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