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The Christmas Goat and IPv6 (Year 15)

I have promised myself that this will be the last year I will monitor and write about IPv6 and the Christmas Goat.

809 unique AS numbers visited the Goat, and according to my IPv6 tracking, the 15 with the most hits are listed below, from most hits to least.

  1. Comcast
  2. DNA Finland
  3. Elisa
  4. Cloudflare
  5. Telia
  6. British Telecom
  7. AT&T
  8. Tre
  9. Verizon
  10. Deutsche Telekom
  11. T-Mobile USA
  12. Tele2
  13. SKY Broadband
  14. Telenor
  15. Charter Communication USA

As you can see, it’s like every other year; USA and Finland like Christmas Goats with IPv6 most!

Photo: Segersta-Rogga

The local FTTH ISP in Gävle, Gavlenet, had only 41(!!!) hits. This proves that you will never be a prophet in your own hometown. ( I don’t live there anymore, and I must use tunnels to get IPv6 where I live now with AS20626/Sandnet as my ISP.)

We stop for a moment at Gavlenet. They have had IPv6 enabled in their FTTH network for many years, but only 10% of them use IPv6. This is one of the big problems in Sweden. The delivery of FTTH is done through a CPE, which requires a home router. We go to a supermarket and buy a home router where around 10% of them have IPv6 enabled automatically. If all home routers had IPv6 enabled automatically, we would get a lot more IPv6 on the Christmas Goat. But I can’t complain about this last year!

We got a small increase to 39%, and my hope of +50% could not be reached.

But we don’t have the same measurement methods now as when we had the top listing. Now it’s live streaming on YouTube that you can reach directly or via an entry page where we’ve hidden a pixel that we measure on. Since I know IPv6 and not HTML, the hidden pixel is cached, and if you test at work where you do not have IPv6 and test at home where you have IPv6, we don’t see that.

Sweden and IPv6 from Google statistics:

Year: 2023
Year: 2024

The main reason last year is still Telia’s upgrade of their FTTH infrastructure, but this year, Telenor 5G is also contributing.

But we are still waiting for IPv6 in the mobile network Telia!

I hope everyone who is reading this will enjoy this and the fourteen years earlier.

Thank you and goodbye in my Christmas Goat with IPv6 hat!

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By Torbjörn Eklöv, Senior Network Architect, DNSSEC/IPv6

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