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Senate Urges Domain Registrars to Combat Russian Election Interference

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Senator Mark Warner calls on domain registrars to take swift action against Russian interference in the 2024 election.

The United States Senate Intelligence Committee Chair, Mark Warner, has called on several domain name registrars, including Namecheap, GoDaddy, and Cloudflare, to address the misuse of their services by Russian actors attempting to influence the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

In a letter, Warner emphasized that Russian influence campaigns are exploiting domain registrars by creating deceptive websites that closely resemble legitimate media outlets, a tactic known as “cybersquatting.” These sites, part of a broader Russian effort labeled “Doppelganger,” disseminate pro-Russian narratives and disinformation aimed at undermining trust in U.S. electoral processes.

Combatting disinformation efforts: Warner’s appeal comes in the wake of actions by the U.S. Justice Department, which recently seized 32 domains used by Russian operatives to manipulate American voters. The Russian government, under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, has been directing these efforts, which include creating fake media brands and using artificial intelligence tools to push disinformation. The Justice Department has underscored the significant threat posed by these operations, emphasizing the Kremlin’s goal of reducing international support for Ukraine and promoting pro-Russian policies.

With Election Day looming, Warner urged domain companies to act swiftly to prevent further misuse of their services. He warned that Congress may need to consider legislative measures to enforce more stringent oversight of the domain name system to prevent foreign interference.

By CircleID Reporter

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