Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing / Most Commented

Mix It Up: Key Ingredients of Successful Cloud Management Systems

The cloud cuts both ways; while the ability to spin up compute power on demand has empowered even small businesses to compete on a global scale, this same flexibility has led to a significant amount of "cloud sprawl." According to Tech Radar, 61 percent of companies surveyed said cloud sprawl - both from employees using unauthorized services and not fully utilizing approved resources - is responsible for business-wide inefficiencies. Bottom line? more

Cloud Computing Struggles: Prevent and Overcome

By 2018, the private cloud market will be worth almost $70 billion, according to a report from Technology Business Research and reported by eWeek, while cloud-based security services are predicted to reach more than $3 billion in 2015. Despite these gains, however, there are struggles: Information Management points to research that found that 88 percent of companies adopting the cloud experienced at least one "unexpected challenge," and on average survey respondents used three cloud vendors to find the right mix of pricing and services. more

The BIG Impact: How Cloud Computing is Changing the Face of Small Business

While 86 percent of small businesses see the importance of the cloud, 70 percent aren't using cloud solutions. This data, from a Microsoft report for National Small Business Week and reported by Talkin' Cloud, yields a sobering conclusion: Small businesses understand the broad value of cloud computing, but aren't sure how to apply the technology on a case-by-case basis. more

Internet Is Too Loud, Literally

Lily Hay Newman reporting in Slate: "You may associate the sound of the Internet with the sound of a computer fan or the extinct song of dial-up. But the real sound of the information super highway is the whir of hard discs and fans spinning inside servers and creating a powerful white noise. It seems like it might be a soothing din, but workers report that it's a problem." more

Overcoming Cloud Storage Security Concerns: 7 Key Steps

According to a 2013 TwinStrata survey, 46 percent of organizations use cloud storage services and 38 percent plan to adopt this technology in the near future. Cloud storage capacity demands are increasing 40 to 60 percent year-over-year, while storage density lags behind at 20 percent. The result? More data, growing demands for space and increasing security concerns. How do enterprises overcome cloud storage security challenges? more

Cloud Computing Can Make You More Secure

The number one concern cited for avoiding cloud computing is security. And there is a reason for that. Cloud providers have demonstrated some spectacular failures in the past, including Amazon's near total shutdown of an entire region, Dropbox's authentication snafu, and innumerous cloud providers that go belly-up. However, in the long run, cloud computing is destined to become more secure than in-house IT. I will briefly describe two dynamics in the industry that point in that direction, with substantiating evidence. more

Future of Cloud Computing and Why It’s Here to Stay

Nowadays, everybody is talking about cloud computing. Fans say it's the future, the answer to every problem with computing as we know it; others say it's just a fad and will eventually die. Who's right? While nobody knows the future, the fact is, enough evidence is available that we can all reasonably predict what's coming. Consider these facts... more

7 Major Current Trends in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has experienced exponential growth over the last few years. As of December 2013, almost 60 percent of current small-to-medium businesses (SMB) use cloud services, and 72 percent of these businesses virtualize substantial portions of their servers. The growth is only expected to increase over the next few years. Here are just a few of the major current trends in the industry today. more

How the Cloud Has Changed Over the Past 3 Years

Cloud computing is not a new concept. Having gotten its start back in the 1960s, when computation was first envisioned as a public utility, it has been in development ever since. However, the past few years have seen more significant changes than we have seen in the entire history of the technology. In an age with ever increasing digitization of data and records, the cloud and cloud software have become unavoidable for virtually every business from small start-up initiatives to large multibillion-dollar corporations... During the past three years, we have seen the following significant developments relative to the cloud. more

Entrenched Decision Makers Won’t Hold Back IaaS Adoption

In an interesting article on Information Week, Jonathan Feldman makes the argument that because of entrenched attitudes and established practices among "IT infrastructure gurus," Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) will fail to gain traction, forcing developers to turn towards Platform as a service (PaaS) as the route of least resistance. Feldman is not anti-IaaS, he makes it clear that he thinks enterprise infrastructure managers are making a mistake, but believes they'll continue to make it anyway. more

Turning the IT-Value Chain Upside Down

Cloud computing will turn the IT-value chain upside down. That will lead to dramatic changes in the way hardware and software is being marketed and managed. These changes will be most profound for IT departments and value added resellers (VARs), but computer manufacturers will feel the heat too. To illustrate this point we can take a high level view of where servers are being deployed. more

Cloud Marketplaces Help Cut Through Confusing IaaS Pricing

A recent study from 451 Research reveals some interesting facts about the nature and complexity of cloud pricing. In theory, one of the major benefits of using the cloud is that on-demand pricing makes it easy to know exactly how much a company will be spending and avoid large-scale capital expenditure. That's certainly true, but the cloud space has yet to develop into a fully mature market, which means that companies have to tangle with wildly different pricing models and the cost itself can vary between vendors. more

Identify DDoS Attacks with External Performance Monitoring (Part 2 of 3)

In Part One of this series, we examined internal server, network and infrastructure monitoring applications. Now let's take a look at another way to capture DDoS information: external performance monitoring... Unlike network/infrastructure tools - which are usually installed inside a customer's network - external performance monitoring solutions are typically provided by a third party and leverage monitoring locations from around the world. more

Why Mid-Sized Businesses That Embrace the Cloud See Improved Revenues

According to a recent study from IBM, mid-sized businesses that embrace cloud technology see nearly double the revenue and increased profit growth compared to their more hesitant peers. The study, which included 800 leading global IT professionals, found that the 20% of organizations that had committed more resources to the cloud were reaping significant cost-cutting advantages and improved levels of efficiency. more

Google Announces Major Data Center Expansions, Finland Investment Tops $1 Billion USD

Jason Verge reporting in Data Center Knowledge: "Google's data center spending and investment continues to soar. The Internet giant announced a EUR450 million (which is about 608 million U.S. dollars) expansion at its Hamina data center in Finland. This comes in addition to an already announced EUR350 million (or about 473 million U.S. dollars) investment. Worldwide, the company recorded a whopping $2.29 billion (in U.S. dollars) in capital expenditures in the third quarter of 2013 alone, driven primarily by massive expansion projects." more

Industry Updates

3 Key Recommendations to Trust the Cloud More by Trusting It Less

As Global Internet Demands Skyrocket, Expert Share Advice on How to Optimize IT Infrastructure to Meet Modern-Day Challenges

Smart City Market Boom: New eco Study Forecasts Over 17 Percent Annual Growth

Looking Into the Latest Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability Exploitation

New Study by eco Alliance: Best Practices Show Future Potential for Green IT 2030

Not All VPN Users Are Worth Trusting, a Lesson for Cloud Service Providers

i2Coalition and DNA Merger Creates North America’s Largest Internet Infrastructure Advocacy Group

i2Coalition Launches Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Infrastructure Providers

The Internet Infrastructure Industry Is Protecting Digital Trust and Fighting COVID-19 Related Fraud

Mitigating Phishing Attacks on Cloud/File Storage Services through Domain Reputation API

Moving from the Castle-and-Moat to the Zero-Trust Model

Cloud and IaaS DLP Woes: Is Additional Threat Intelligence a Solution?

Cybercrime Innovation: Tackling Emerging Threats and Vulnerabilities

Your Business In Europe: Understanding GDPR & Privacy Shield

i2Coalition to Host First Ever Smarter Internet Forum