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Watch Live Oct 1 - Dyn’s Techtoberfest: Internet Trends, Security, Net Neutrality and More

On Thursday, Oct 1, 2015, from 9:30am-4:30pm US EDT (UTC-4), Dyn will be holding their "TechToberFest" event in Manchester, NH, and also streaming the video live for anyone interested. There are a great set of speakers and a solid agenda. As I wrote on the Internet Society blog, I'll be part of the security panel from 3-4pm US EDT... and we who are on the panel are excited to participate just for the conversation that we are going to have! It should be fun! more

Tips for Managing Your Company’s Shadow IT Issues

Shadow IT -- the use of unsanctioned software and services by employees -- is a problem. It's a big one. According to Forbes, 72 percent of executives don't know how many "shadow" apps are being used on their network. Beyond overloading network resources and impacting data compliance, there is also the real threat of security breaches from unapproved apps. Managing IT you can't see is no easy task, but fortunately it's not impossible. Here are five tips to help bring light to the shadows. more

M3AAWG & i2Coalition Collaborate on Best Practices on Anti-Abuse in Hosting & Cloud Environments

I am excited to announce the recent release of the industry first Best Common Practices document for Cloud and Hosting providers for addressing abuse issues that was created by M3AAWG and the i2Coalition. M3AAWG has been collaborating with the Best Practices Working Group of the i2Coalition over the past 2 years to discuss ways to solve malicious activity within hosting and cloud ecosystems.  more

Why Small Businesses Should Start Trusting the Cloud (Reasons to Convince Your Boss)

For small businesses, effectively managing technology comes with a question: Is it better to outsource or stay in-house? Most small and midsize companies can't afford to employ teams of full-time IT staffers. This creates a desire for outsourced solutions. However, opting for a third party means giving up a measure of control. What is best for your business? In this post, we offer a quick rundown of the top five tasks any small business should consider outsourcing. more

Cloud Versus Dedicated Data Centers: Rumble in the Virtual Jungle

Cloud or dedicated? That's the question companies face each time they need new storage space or resources -- is it better to build local or host off site? Both tech segments are performing strongly, with the global data center blade server market to reach more than $15 billion by 2019 at a compound annual growth rate of 10.25 percent and cloud computing sitting on a $16 billion market that's only trending up thanks to increased public and hybrid adoption. In other words, it's virtual war: Who wins the battle? more

A Cynic’s View of 2015 Security Predictions - Part 2

Every year those in the security industry are bombarded with various cyber security predictions. There's the good, the bad and the ugly. Some predictions are fairly ground breaking, while others are just recycled from previous years -- that's allowed of course if the threats still stand. In part one of my predictions I looked at the malware threats, so let's take a look at big data and the cloud for part two. more

Top Cloud Management Trends: Adopt or Incur the Risk

Your company can't ignore cloud computing: Some kind of distributed-access model is now necessary to tap global markets, manage big data and get access to best-in-class software. But with increased cloud adoption comes the issue of management, since it's no longer enough to simply spin up a cloud and hope for the best. Here are five of the top cloud management trends to watch this year -- and the risks of opting out. more

CircleID’s Top 10 Posts of 2014

Here we are with CircleID's annual roundup of top ten most popular posts featured during 2014 (based on overall readership). Congratulations to all the participants whose posts reached top readership and best wishes for 2015. more

Business Model Canvas for SaaS Providers

As a follow up to the earlier article on the IaaS business model, here is a high level overview of the SaaS provider business model and some of the strategic options that are in there... As examples in this article I consider two hypothetical SaaS providers. The first one delivers bookkeeping software, the second one delivers a project collaboration platform. more

Cloud 2015: Top Five Considerations

As 2014 winds down, cloud spending is up. That's the word from research firm IDC -- as reported by IT Jungle, cloud spending will reach over $56 billion this year and won't stop anytime soon. By 2018, predictions peg the cloud as worth $127 billion, and that's just counting "core" cloud services such as SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. Cloud-based peripherals, the Internet of Things and other cloud initiatives are also on track to make an impact; here's a quick look at top cloud considerations for the coming year. more

Four Critical IT Elements for a More Productive Business

IT is now a boardroom discussion. Beyond troubleshooting server issues and maintaining network security, IT initiatives must provide company-wide ROI and work in unison with other department objectives. But the link between corporate efficiency and technology spending isn't always obvious -- here are four critical IT elements your business needs to improve productivity. more

Business Model Canvas for Cloud Providers

Cloud Computing is not so much about technology but more about the new business models that this technology enables. The question then is, how do these business models look? One of the most inspiring ways of looking at business models is through the so-called "Business Model Canvas". This article explores the basics of cloud computing business models as drawn out on such a canvas. more

Stay Current, Achieve Excellence: 4 Emerging Cloud Techniques

How do you achieve excellence in the cloud? Enterprises know it's not enough to simply locate and leverage the services of a cloud provider: using cloud resources effectively marks the difference between "adequate" and "excellence" in achieving long-term IT and revenue goals. But to maximize cloud use, you need to know what's next for this disruptive market: here are four emerging techniques. more

Top Six IT Trends Impacting Business Networks

For decades, IT followed business. Even the development of the World Wide Web didn't move this development much beyond the four walls of corporate offices -- outside connections were essential but never informed the growth of business-critical technology. Now the growth of public clouds, enterprise-grade social networking and mobile device use in the workforce is creating a new paradigm, one where business networks are reactive to IT trends -- here are six that are set to impact companies this year. more

Fear of Disaster: 5 Tips to Help Enterprises Cope

IT disasters can strike anywhere, anytime. In 1983, a faulty Soviet warning system nearly precipitated World War III -- the system claimed five missiles were en route from the U.S. Only quick thinking by Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov saved the day when he realized the United States would never launch so few warheads. And in 2004, a private contractor working with the British Child Support Agency (CSA) suffered a glitch that overpaid 1.9 million people and underpaid 700,000. more

Industry Updates

3 Key Recommendations to Trust the Cloud More by Trusting It Less

As Global Internet Demands Skyrocket, Expert Share Advice on How to Optimize IT Infrastructure to Meet Modern-Day Challenges

Smart City Market Boom: New eco Study Forecasts Over 17 Percent Annual Growth

Looking Into the Latest Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability Exploitation

New Study by eco Alliance: Best Practices Show Future Potential for Green IT 2030

Not All VPN Users Are Worth Trusting, a Lesson for Cloud Service Providers

i2Coalition and DNA Merger Creates North America’s Largest Internet Infrastructure Advocacy Group

i2Coalition Launches Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Infrastructure Providers

The Internet Infrastructure Industry Is Protecting Digital Trust and Fighting COVID-19 Related Fraud

Mitigating Phishing Attacks on Cloud/File Storage Services through Domain Reputation API

Moving from the Castle-and-Moat to the Zero-Trust Model

Cloud and IaaS DLP Woes: Is Additional Threat Intelligence a Solution?

Cybercrime Innovation: Tackling Emerging Threats and Vulnerabilities

Your Business In Europe: Understanding GDPR & Privacy Shield

i2Coalition to Host First Ever Smarter Internet Forum