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Mobile Internet / Most Commented

Qualcomm’s Licensing Practices Are Illegal, U.S. Judge Rules

A U.S. district court judge rules that Qualcomm violated anti-trust laws and has ordered the chip maker to change some of its licensing and negotiation practices. more

Huawei Says They Are Willing to Sign No-Spy Agreements With Governments

During a London conference, Huawei's chairman Liang Hua told reporters the company would sign no-spy agreements with governments as a response to United States' pressure on Europe to bar the Chinese telecommunications company over spying concerns. more

Representatives From EU, NATO, USA, Japan, Australia Hold Meeting on 5G Security and Policy Measures

Representatives from over 30 countries including nations from European Union, NATO, United States, Germany, Japan, Israel and Australia participated in the Prague 5G Security Conference this week. more

What Is the Business Case for 5G?

There is much hype around 5G, but none of it is new. We saw the same propaganda -- fueled by the manufacturers -- in the run-up to the launch of the 3G and 4G versions of the mobile technology. Driverless cars and a range of other IoT applications can indeed potentially open new revenue streams. The reality, however, is that these markets might not eventuate until somewhere between 2025 and 2030. more

Britain to Involve Huwawei in Nation’s 5G Rollout Amid US Ban

Top British officials have given the green light to the Chinese technology giant Huawei to participate in the development of the 5G wireless network in the United Kingdom, reports the Washington Post. more

FCC to Block China Mobile From Gaining Access to the U.S. Market

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has opposed China Mobile's Application to provide telecom services in the United States. more

The Huawei Issue in the Broader Context of Global Politics

It is very sad to see that Huawei has become a victim of US-China trade war politics and it will be very interesting to see how their court case against the US Government will pan out, the company claims that the ban of its products is "unconstitutional." There is no indication that Huawei has been involved in any spying activity; nor does it appear to have any intention of doing so. more

4G Mobile Trials Have Begun in Cuba - What Is Their 3/4/5G Strategy?

During the first month of 3G mobile service, Cuban Internet use increased substantially. At the end of January, ETECSA had 5.4 million mobile users, 35% of which use the Internet and they are adding 5,000 new data customers per day. According to Eliecer Samada, head of ETECSA's wireless access group, the company is now at 160% of the expected capacity. more

Number of Chinese Internet Users Reaches 829 Million, More Than Double the Population of the US

Latest update from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) reports the total number of Chinese internet users reached 829 million at the end of 2018. more

Canada Considering Right to Repair Legislation Tackling Repair Monopoly Over Brand-Name Devices

Ontario Liberal Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) Michael Coteau has introduced a bill to enable consumers and independent professionals to repair brand-name computers and phones easily and economically. more

In a Rare Meeting, Huawei Founder Addresses Concerns Over Tech Giant Spying for Chinese Government

In a rare meeting, Ren Zhengfei the founder of the Chinese tech giant Huawei assured foreign reporters that his company would refuse to disclose secrets about its customers and their communication networks. more

FCC Declines Emergency Briefing Request Concerning Location Data Collection

U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai declined a top House Democrat's request for an emergency briefing on the wireless industry's data collection practices amid troubling reports about the availability of real-time location information, reports Harper Neidig in The Hill. more

Cuba Censors SMS Messages ... for Now

What could the Cuban government do with Russia-style access to Facebook data? What sorts of fake news could they create and circulate on YouTube and Pinterest? What can be done to control the dark side of the Cuban Internet? Cuba is about to hold a referendum on a proposed constitution that the government supports and Eduardo Sanchez posted a test showing that SMS messages with anti-referendum terms. more

Who Played a Major Role in Advancing the Internet? Nominations Open for 2019 Internet Hall of Fame

Do you know someone who has played a major role in the development and advancement of the Internet? Now is the time to recognize their contribution. Nominate them for the 2019 Internet Hall of Fame. With more than 100 inductees, the Internet Hall of Fame celebrates Internet pioneers and innovators who have pushed the boundaries to bring the Internet to life and make it an essential resource for billions of people today. more

Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Internet Service Developments for 2018

At the end of 2017, I posted a review of important LEO-satellite Internet service developments. I've been updating those posts during the year and have also added the following new posts in 2018. ... SpaceX, OneWeb and Telesat are planning to offer Internet-service from LEO, but O3b is already providing connectivity to relatively large customers like mobile phone companies, government organizations, and cruise ship lines using a constellation of medium-Earth orbit (MEO) satellites.  more