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Huawei Says They Are Willing to Sign No-Spy Agreements With Governments

During a London conference, Huawei’s chairman Liang Hua told reporters the company would sign no-spy agreements with governments as a response to United States’ pressure on Europe to bar the Chinese telecommunications company over spying concerns. “We are willing to sign no-spy agreements with governments, including the UK government, to commit ourselves to making our equipment meet the no-spy, no-backdoors standard,” said Liang. This is the first time Huawei has made such a statement in public.

Critics, however, are concerned that Huawei could be forced to comply with surveillance demands based on the 2017 Chinese intelligence law requiring companies to abide by the country’s government if demanded.

Never been asked says Huawei: Tim Watkins, Huawei’s vice-president for western Europe told reporters in London that the company founder, Mr Ren Zhengfei, “has made it clear that he has never been asked to hand over any customer data or information, and he has made it clear that if asked he would refuse and if it was attempted to be enforced he would shut the company down.”

Forging ahead: According to Huawei’s 2018 report, the company has close to 188,000 employees, operates in more than 170 countries and regions, and serves more than three billion people around the world. At the end of 2018, the company board approved to invest an initial budget of US$2 billion for a companywide transformation in enhancing its software engineering capabilities

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