Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet / News Briefs

China Blocks WhatsApp, Says Messaging Service Should Stop Spread of “Illegal Information”

WhatsApp is now broadly disrupted in China including text messages which were going through despite China's censorship of the app beginning mid-July which only effected photographs and video chats.

Bluetooth-Based Attack Vector Dubbed “BlueBorne” Exposes Almost Every Connected Device

Security firm, Armis Labs, has revealed a new attack vector that can target major mobile, desktop, and IoT operating systems, including Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux, and the devices using them.

Verizon, AT&T Speeds Slow After Unlimited Data Plans Launch

Verizon and AT&T re-introduced their unlimited data plans earlier this year, and as a result, studies show that the providers' 4G speeds and overall speeds have fallen due to increased data demand on their networks.

Over 50% Accessed LinkedIn Over IPv6, Historic Milestone Says Company

LinkedIn has announced that earlier this month, and for the first time in our company's history, more than 50% of its pages were accessed over IPv6 from mobile devices in the US.

European Countries Continue to Lead IPv6 Adoption, Reports Akamai

Akamai Technologies released its First Quarter, 2017 State of the Internet Report last week based on data gathered from the Akamai Intelligent Platform.

5G Frequency Fees Are Waived in Singapore to Help Drive Market Tests

Singapore government has waived telecom frequency fees for 5G trials until December 2019 in order to catalyze market growth and discovery of potential use cases.

FCC Gives Approval to LTE-U Devices

Ericsson, Nokia get go-ahead for LTE-U base stations despite early fears they might interfere with Wi-Fi.

FCC Ends Inquires Into “Zero Rating” Programs

"AT&T and Verizon just got a free pass from the FCC to divide up the internet," Colin Lecher reporting in The Verge.

Report Looks at Humanitarian Futures for Messaging Apps

To develop responsible, effective and safe ways to use messaging apps, organizations need to better understand the opportunities and risks they present - new research report released by The Engine Room in partnership with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Block Party.

Experts Concerned Over Looming Security Risks of Ultrasonic Cross-Device Tracking

In the upcoming Black Hat London presentation, security researcher from University College London, Vasilios Mavroudis and colleagues are going to describe and demonstrate the practical security and privacy risks that arise with the adoption systems enabled with ultrasonic cross-device tracking (uXDT).

Amnesty International: Popular Mobile Apps Failing to Adopt Basic Privacy Protections

"Tech companies like Snapchat and Skype's owner Microsoft are failing to adopt basic privacy protections on their instant messaging services, putting users' human rights at risk," says Amnesty International.

U.S. Department of Transportation Issues Federal Cybersecurity Guidance to Automotive Industry

U.S. Department of Transportation issues Federal guidance to the automotive industry for improving motor vehicle cybersecurity. The guidance covers cybersecurity best practices for all motor vehicles, individuals and organizations manufacturing and designing vehicle systems and software.

Internet, Mobile Connectivity a Lifeline for Refugees, Reports UNHCR

"Many refugees regard a connected device as being as vital to them as food, water or shelter," according to a new report from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and Accenture.

IPv6 Now Dominant Protocol for Traffic Among Major US Mobile Providers

"Major Mobile US Networks Pass 50% IPv6 Threshold," reports Mat Ford, Technology Program Manager at the Internet Society (ISOC).

US Congress Questions Pokemon Go’s Impact on Data Usage

US House of Representatives’ committee on energy and commerce has sent a letter to John Hanke, CEO of Niantic, Inc. - the maker of the game Pokémon Go under a license from Nintendo - inquiring about the impact of the game on consumers' mobile data usage: