Dan York

Dan York

Author and Speaker on Internet technologies - and on staff of Internet Society
Joined on April 25, 2007
Total Post Views: 2,124,421


Dan York focuses on explaining the changes going on all around us within communication technology and practices.  An author of multiple books on networking, security, IPv6 and Linux, Dan frequently frequently presents at industry conferences and events and has blogging and writing online for over 11 years.  Today Dan serves the Internet Society as the Director, Online Content. 
Previously Dan worked for Voxeo Corporation heading up the company’s communication through both traditional and new/social media. Prior to that, Dan served in the Office of the CTO for both Voxeo and before that Mitel focused on analyzing/evaluating emerging technology, participating in industry standards bodies and addressing VoIP security issues. Since the mid-1980’s Dan has been working with online communication technologies and helping businesses and organizations understand how to use and participate in those new media. . His most recent books are Migrating Applications to IPv6 and The Seven Deadliest Unified Communications Attacks.  His most relevant writing to CircleID readers can be found at DisruptiveTelephony.com More information about Dan can be found at danyork.com and danyork.me

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Dan York on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2021 - Oct 07 on Numerous Lessons We Can Learn From the Facebook Outage and Its Mistakes
2021 - Jan 12 on An Open Letter to Big Tech CFOs: Save the Internet Before You're Forced
2021 - Jan 04 on WordPress Now Powers 39.5% of the Web
2019 - Jan 30 on Creating TLS: The Pioneering Role of Ruth Nelson
2018 - Oct 11 on How to Prepare for the DNSSEC Root KSK Rollover on October 11, 2018
2018 - Jul 26 on Why Government Agencies Use Ugly, Difficult to Use Scanned PDFs - There's More Than Meets the Eye
2018 - Apr 28 on April 22, 1993 - A Day The Internet Fundamentally Changed
2017 - May 09 on Jakarta Declaration Calls on Governments to Recognize Legitimacy of Encryption
2016 - Sep 21 on The Kindness of Strangers, or Not
2016 - Jul 27 on Developing Internet of Things Building Blocks
2016 - Jun 07 on Google's IPv6 Stats Hit 12% on Fourth Anniversary of World IPv6 Launch
2016 - May 04 on Are Blockchains the Most Expensive Database Ever Invented?
2016 - Mar 09 on DNSSEC Workshop Streaming Live from ICANN 55 in Marrakech on Wednesday, March 9, 2016
2015 - Sep 11 on Can We Stop IP Spoofing? A New Whitepaper Explores the Issues
2015 - Sep 09 on Sept 8 Deadline for Comments on IANA Stewardship Transition - Have You Submitted Your Comments?
2015 - Sep 08 on Sept 8 Deadline for Comments on IANA Stewardship Transition - Have You Submitted Your Comments?
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 19 on The Directory Dilemma - Why Facebook, Google and Skype May Win the Mobile App War
2015 - Jun 19 on The Directory Dilemma - Why Facebook, Google and Skype May Win the Mobile App War
2015 - May 28 on Watch Live Thurs 28 May: The Way Forward for the WSIS+10 Review Process
2015 - Jan 29 on U.S. Cable Industry Says to FCC That Consumers Don't Need 25 Mbps Speed
2015 - Jan 28 on U.S. Cable Industry Says to FCC That Consumers Don't Need 25 Mbps Speed
2014 - Dec 28 on Watching North Korea's Internet Connectivity Go Up and Down Via Twitter
2014 - Dec 11 on Call For Participation - ICANN 52 DNSSEC Workshop on 11 Feb 2015 In Singapore
2014 - Sep 03 on Watch the 2014 Internet Governance Forum (#IGF2014) Live All This Week from Istanbul
2014 - Sep 03 on Watch the 2014 Internet Governance Forum (#IGF2014) Live All This Week from Istanbul
2014 - Aug 26 on African Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) Streaming Live This Week From Dakar, Senegal
2014 - Jul 21 on Live Today: IXPs and the Relationship Between Geography and Network Topology
2014 - May 14 on New TLD Update
2014 - Mar 23 on New TLD Update
2014 - Mar 13 on Celebrating the 25Th Anniversary of the World Wide Web
2014 - Feb 24 on Anyone Who Still Thinks IPv6 Won't Happen Clearly Isn't Watching the Measurements
2014 - Feb 24 on Anyone Who Still Thinks IPv6 Won't Happen Clearly Isn't Watching the Measurements
2014 - Feb 24 on Anyone Who Still Thinks IPv6 Won't Happen Clearly Isn't Watching the Measurements
2014 - Feb 03 on First "Middle East DNS Forum" Happening Feb 3-4 in Dubai - Live Video Stream Available
2014 - Jan 31 on How Do We Get More Network Operator Feedback Into IETF Standards? Please Take This Survey
2014 - Jan 22 on How to Keep Track of the New Generic Top-Level Domains (newgTLDs) Now Appearing Weekly
2014 - Jan 20 on How to Keep Track of the New Generic Top-Level Domains (newgTLDs) Now Appearing Weekly
2014 - Jan 20 on How to Keep Track of the New Generic Top-Level Domains (newgTLDs) Now Appearing Weekly
2014 - Jan 16 on Domain Name System (DNS) Security Should Be One of Your Priorities
2014 - Jan 16 on Domain Name System (DNS) Security Should Be One of Your Priorities
2014 - Jan 16 on Domain Name System (DNS) Security Should Be One of Your Priorities
2014 - Jan 09 on Deadline TOMORROW to Apply to Represent the "Technical Community" at the Brazil Meeting and in 1Net
2013 - Nov 15 on .SEXY? .TATTOO? Now Live in DNS? Welcome to the World of NewgTLDs
2013 - Nov 01 on Bruce Schneier to Speak About Internet Surveillance at IETF 88 Technical Plenary Next Week
2013 - Sep 25 on 2% of All Traffic to Google Now Over IPv6! (Doubling in Past Year)
2013 - Aug 27 on TeleGeography's Interactive Submarine Cable Map Is a Fun and Fascinating View Into Infrastructure
2013 - Apr 03 on What Is the Potential Business Impact of New gTLDs On Existing TLDs?
2012 - Nov 29 on Syria Disconnects From The Internet
2012 - Nov 29 on Syria Disconnects From The Internet
2012 - Nov 20 on Report Reveals Planned DNSSEC Adoption of 2010 by Key Industries Still in Limbo
2012 - Apr 25 on Getting On Board With DNSSEC - A Personal Recount
2012 - Apr 23 on Getting On Board With DNSSEC - A Personal Recount
2011 - Dec 14 on The Christmas Goat and IPv6 (Year 2)
2011 - Dec 13 on FCC to Hold Two December Workshops on PSTN Transition to New Technologies
2011 - Dec 07 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Dec 05 on FCC to Hold Two December Workshops on PSTN Transition to New Technologies

Topic Interests

VoIP IPv4 MarketsCybersecurityCyberattackTelecomCybercrimeMalwareDDoS AttackP2PThreat IntelligenceIPv6 TransitionRegional RegistriesSpamDNSDNS SecurityICANNMobile InternetInternet ProtocolNew TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesNetworksPolicy & RegulationNet NeutralityBroadbandWirelessAccess ProvidersInternet GovernanceWebIPTVInternet of ThingsPrivacyArtificial IntelligenceCensorshipCloud ComputingDomain ManagementEmailData CenterBlockchain

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