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Watch the 2014 Internet Governance Forum (#IGF2014) Live All This Week from Istanbul

The Ninth Annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Meeting is taking place all this week, September 2-5, 2014, in Istanbul, Turkey and live video streams are available for all the sessions at:

To figure out which video stream to watch you need to know the room in which the session you want to watch takes place. It seems you can either:

  1. Go to the main IGF web page where they seem to be updating the page with the daily schedule and listing the rooms.
  2. Go to the IGF 2014 schedule and program page where I found it most useful to hover over the “Schedule” button at the top left of the page and then choose either “Grid” or “By Venue” to see the list of sessions and their corresponding rooms.

Also keep in mind that the schedule lists times in Istanbul where it is currently Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) and is UTC+3 hours.

I watched the opening session live stream today from my home office in New Hampshire, USA, and the quality was excellent. There was also a live text transcription. I see from some of the pages that there are audio streams for translation of the speaker into multiple languages although I have not tried that out myself.

There is also a good bit of IGF 2014 activity happening on social media using the “#IGF2014” hashtag as well as other hashtags.

It should be a fascinating week at the IGF 2014 and those of us who are not in Istanbul can join in remotely to watch what is going on!

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By Dan York, Author and Speaker on Internet technologies - and Senior Advisor at Internet Society

Dan is a Senior Advisor at the Internet Society but opinions posted on CircleID are his own. View more of Dan’s writing and audio here.

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IGF 2014 Remote Participation page Dan York  –  Sep 3, 2014 7:47 PM

There is also a page on the IGF 2014 site itself that explains a bit more about remote participation and includes links for each day:

IGF 2014 Remote Participation page (this time with a clickable link) Dan York  –  Sep 3, 2014 7:48 PM

There is also a page on the IGF 2014 site itself that explains a bit more about remote participation and includes links for each day:

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