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DNSSEC Workshop Streaming Live from ICANN 55 in Marrakech on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What is the current state of DNSSEC deployment around the world and also in Africa? How can you deploy DNSSEC at a massive scale? What is the state of using elliptic curve crypto algorithms in DNSSEC? What more can be done to accelerate DNSSEC deployment?

Discussion of all those questions and much more can be found in the DNSSEC Workshop streaming live out of the ICANN 55 meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, on Wednesday, March 9, from 9:00 to 15:15 WET.

Remote participation information, slides, the agenda and other details can be found on the DNSSEC Workshop page.

The sessions will be recorded on Adobe Connect if you would like to listen to them later. Slides will be posted to the workshop page before the event begins.

Thank you to Afilias, CIRA, Dyn and SIDN for sponsoring the DNSSEC Workshop series in 2016.

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The Current Agenda Includes the Following
(all times WET, which is the same as UTC)

DNSSEC Workshop Introduction, Program, Deployment Around the World—Counts, Counts, Counts

Dan York, Internet Society

Presentation: Update on the ‘Sunset’ of the DNSSEC Look-aside Validation Registry (DLV)

Victoria Risk, Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)

Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Activities in the African Region

Moderator: Mark Elkins, DNS/ZACR
Alain Aina, AfriNIC
Eberhard Lisse, .NA


Presentation: DNSSEC SIGNER Switchover

Alain Aina, AfriNIC

Presentation: DNSSEC At Scale

Dani Grant, Cloudflare


Dan York, Internet Society, presenting questions developed by Roy Ahrens, ICANN

Lunch Break

Panel Discussion: DNSSEC and Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Moderator and panelist: Dan York, Internet Society
Geoff Huston, APNIC
Jim Galvin, Afilias
O?lafur Guðmundsson, CloudFlare
Ondr?ej Sury?, CZNIC

Panel Discussion: DNSSEC Root Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover

Moderator: Russ Mundy, Parsons
ICANN Root KSK Rollover Design Team members
Warren Kumari, Google

Presentation: DNSSEC – How Can I Help?

Russ Mundy, Parsons and Dan York, Internet Society

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If you cannot attend live, the session will be recorded for later viewing.

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By Dan York, Author and Speaker on Internet technologies - and Senior Advisor at Internet Society

Dan is a Senior Advisor at the Internet Society but opinions posted on CircleID are his own. View more of Dan’s writing and audio here.

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My apologies that the YouTube links are wrong Dan York  –  Mar 9, 2016 10:26 AM

My apologies, but the YouTube links I put in the first version of this article are not available (and I’ve asked CircleID to remove them from the article).  The remote participation is available at:


It will be recorded there for later viewing.

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