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In January we presented the glorious history of the MIT spam conference (see earlier related CircleID post), today we present the schedule for the first day. Opening session will be from this author, Garth Buren (knujon.com/bios) with a topic entitled The Internet Doomsday Book, with details be released the same day as the presentation. Followed by Dr. Robert Bruen with a review of activities since the last MIT spam conference (knujon.com/bios). Rutger’s Naftaly Minsky (http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/) will present a paper on Reducing Spam via Trustworthy Self Regulation by Email Senders. After lunch George Petre of BitDefender (http://bitdefender.com) discusses his paper “Facebook - Another breach in the wall” immediately followed by CSO Magazine (http://www.csoonline.com/) senior editor Bill Brenner diving deeper into threats presented by social networking. Tobias Eggendorfer (http://www.unibw.de/startseite/) will present “Blacklisting and anti-spammer, the drama of being unlisted.” Finishing off the first day we have Alexandru Cataline (http://bitdefender.com) with “Scale Free Networks Model to Social Networks and then Christian Rossow (http://www.internet-sicherheit.de/) presents “Detecting Gray in Black and White” More speakers on Friday!
Related Link: http://projects.csail.mit.edu/spamconf/
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On Friday we are honored to have Cisco Fellow, Patrick Peterson (http://blogs.cisco.com/authors/bio/372) giving the first keynote followed by author of The Dot Crime Manifesto (http://www.amazon.com/dotCrime-Manifesto-Stop-Internet-Crime/dp/0321503589/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1269455924), Phillip Hallem-Baker. A paper from Cloudfare’s Matthew Prince will educate us on the insights from Five Years of Project Honey Pot (http://www.projecthoneypot.org/). Matt Hines from eWeek (http://securitywatch.eweek.com/) will give us a keynote expounding the view of a journalist following Internet security issues. Sagar Mehta also of CISCO will present the paper “A better insight into network level spam statistics from the vantage point of an Autonomous System.” Finishing off the conference we have Mikko Voipio from Aalto University (http://www.aalto.fi/fi/), with a Paper on Header Fields and UBE Detection. Closing the session Alexandru Catalin returns with “The curse of URL Scanning”
Looks like some good content, but I was surprised to see that the event is the same week as IETF 77—and on the other side of the continent.
Are trying to start some kind of east coast-west coast rivalry?