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Domain Trends Signal Shifting Tides in 2024

Top 20 TLDs of 2024 (Source: 2024 Domain Insights & Trends Report by Namecheapt

The domain industry in 2024 revealed notable shifts in registration patterns, signaling an evolving online landscape. According to a newly published report by Namecheap, .shop climbed to become the second-most-popular top-level domain (TLD), boasting over 721,000 registrations, displacing .xyz after years of dominance. Among country-code TLDs (ccTLDs), .me rose to the top, marking its ascent from eighth place in 2023.

.com dominance persists: Despite new trends, .com remains the industry giant, accounting for a substantial portion of registrations. The report notes that .com owners hold their domains for an average of 2.1 years, a figure unmatched in volume but shorter compared to the longevity of ccTLDs like .ca, .ai, and .tv, which exhibit high retention rates over the past decade.

TLD expansion: The year also saw the addition of eight new TLDs, including Malaysia’s .my, which quickly gained traction with over 6,500 registrations since its mid-year launch. Such developments underscore the industry’s growing appetite for diverse and creative extensions as businesses seek distinctive digital identities.

Renewal trends remain consistent with certain TLDs like .dev and .ca maintaining impressive retention rates. However, the emergence of niche extensions highlights the diversification of user preferences. Meanwhile, auction activity also surged, with noteworthy sales punctuating the year’s dynamic market.

As 2025 approaches, the industry’s trajectory suggests a duality: steadfast adherence to stalwart domains like .com alongside growing adoption of innovative alternatives. With both stability and change defining the domain sector, website owners and industry stakeholders will likely witness further diversification and innovation in the years to come.

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