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New .PROMO Domain Sunrise Period Begins Today

Afilias, a leading domain registry operator announces that the Sunrise Period for the new “dot PROMO” or .PROMO top level domain is now open for eligible trademark holders only. PROMO is the best Internet address for websites that feature special promotions providing value or incentives to deal-conscious shoppers.


Sunrise: Today through May 16, 2016, registration of .PROMO domains is limited strictly to eligible trademark holders (16:00 UTC, April 14, 2016—16:00 UTC, May 16, 2016). To apply, please visit a sunrise registrar.

Landrush: From May 17 through May 21, 2016—.PROMO domains will be available using a Dutch auction format. During the auction, available names will start at a maximum price, which will be lowered in decrements daily as registrants decide at what price point they wish to register.

Open Registration: Begins May 23, 2016 (General Availability & Claims: 16:00 UTC, May 23, 2016)

For more information about the .PROMO domain and registration details, please visit http://get.promo/why-promo.

Promotions are a huge part of doing business online and are a necessity in the competitive online space. Did you know that 57% of consumers want real-time promotions and offers? And that more than 80% of shoppers want promotions that are tailored to their needs? Also, after taking part in a promotion, 64% will give their name and contact information, 44% will opt-in for future news and promotions and 39% will share their likes and dislikes. Creative promotions are crucial for success in today’s marketplace and .PROMO will make your web address work harder and help you achieve the goals you’ve set for your online promotions.

“Afilias is excited to introduce .PROMO, the Internet address that is designed to help deal-conscious consumers find special promotions, incentives and more,” said Roland LaPlante, chief marketing officer of Afilias. “Any entity that sells services or products to deal-conscious customers should offer their specials on a .PROMO address!”

Target registrants include retailers such as department stores, supermarkets, warehouse retailers, specialty retailers, e-tailers, convenience retailers and discount retailers. Other target registrants include service providers, such as home services, online services, personal services, etc. Both B2C and B2B retailers can benefit from .PROMO domains. Also, companies that make promotional items (such as giveaways) are ideal registrants of .PROMO domains.

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By Afilias, Global Provider of Internet Infrastructure Service

Afilias is the world’s second largest domain registry, with more than 20 million names under management. Afilias powers a greater variety of top-level domains than any other provider, and will soon support hundreds of new TLDs now preparing for launch. Afilias’ specialized technology makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful through a wide range of applications, including Internet domain registry services, Managed DNS and mobile Web services like goMobi® and DeviceAtlas®.

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