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High-Bid Auctions Deflate the .nyc TLD

Our hope for an intuitive and trusted .nyc TLD took a hit today when 20 domain names were sold to 10 bidders in city’s first high-bid auction. While the city refers to these as “premium” names, we think of them as heritage names. With our city-TLD’s success predicated on its utility and predictability, this first of perhaps 25 auctions bodes poorly on its chances. More on that in a bit, but first some details on the auction.

The big winners (using their bidder names, the only ones available), were nameinvest and motionx with 4 properties each. Top dollar was spent by changejobs who purchased ‘apartments.nyc’, ‘condos.nyc’, and ‘realestate.nyc’ laying out a total of $42,065. The bargain of the day went to hoofhearted who purchased ‘roommates.nyc’ for $69. Your can see the detailed results here.

Using market metrics, the city can point to some positive results…

  • The auction winners now have the opportunity to develop these 20 domain names.
  • Someday soon some new websites might emerge and improve our lives. And if they are successful, add some jobs and taxes to our economy.
  • The city and several intermediaries will receive some revenue.

But the negative impacts are far more numerous and consequential….

Let’s explore this proposition by looking at this auction’s effects on a developer shopping for a domain name, and a typical New York internet user. From a developers perspective, with more than 1,000 TLDs to choose from, why choose one from the .nyc TLD? What makes it a better choice than a .com? Or selecting a descriptive TLD: a .lawyer for someone starting a law practice? And from a New Yorker’s perspective, what difference does it make if s/he receives predictable results from our city’s TLD?

The answer to all these questions is trust. While there are several factors that engender trust, to a large degree, it emerges organically from an intuitive TLD. Trust is engendered when one types a domain name and arrives at the expected resource. The simplest and quickest way for the .nyc TLD is to become trusted, is by setting standards that encourage an intuitive name space.

Let me detail the ways the high-bid auctions damage an intuitive and trusted TLD.

  • First, these are heritage names with a meaning that exists in the heads of New Yorkers. They should be providing the base for a more intuitive Internet both for New Yorkers and those seeking our resources. To the extent that they’re not part of an intuitive guidance system, they diminish the reliability of our city’s TLD.
  • Without public interest commitments guiding their use, city residents may utilize these names only at the whim and will of the auction winners.
  • Without public interest commitments, the winning bidders may use them for non-conforming use. The winner of ‘Brownstones.nyc’ can use the name for a bar, a band, or whatever. If ‘Brownstones.nyc’ doesn’t tell tourists about our brownstones, it reduces consistency and damages the TLD.
  • Without public interest commitments, selling development rights to our heritage names is like giving control of our street signs to an advertising agency.
  • Without public interest commitments, the winners may leave the names idle, or “parked” in industry parlance. More than 1/2 of .nyc names are currently parked or without content.

I find it disheartening that the city has disregarded the experiences and economic benefits provided by our street grid—ease of navigation and predictability. If the auctions continue, New York’s resources will be less accessible. Without direct, intuitive access to city resources, finding city resources will require a search engine. This diminishes our capacity to shape our future and puts it into the hands of Google and like entities.

Beyond its impact on the TLD, the de Blasio Administration is missing the opportunity to fulfill its commitment to foster minority and women opportunities. The 30 day auction notification did not provide adequate opportunity for hackathons and other networking events that might have enabled innovative ideas to emerge from our disparate communities.


This was the first of what might be 25 high-bid auctions for 500 heritage names. The city should stop the auctions and take steps to improve this phase of the name allocation process. Allocating 500 heritage names without associated Public Interest Commitments will cripple .nyc’s intuitive operation, diminish public trust, and reduce usage of our city’s TLD.

We’ve made several improvement recommendations in a previous post. Today we’re recommending that the city cancel the auctions, and negotiate a settlement with the contractor for its expected revenue. Auction #1 has provided a basis for estimating that settlement.

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By Tom Lowenhaupt, Director, Connecting.nyc Inc.

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roommates.nyc Andrew Allemann  –  Nov 4, 2016 1:28 PM

FYI, this domain didn’t sell. There was a $500 reserve.

Thanks Andrew.So there were no bargains in Tom Lowenhaupt  –  Nov 4, 2016 1:36 PM

Thanks Andrew.

So there were no bargains in .nyc land last week. Too bad. Hoofhearted will have to make do with CoOps.nyc.

Andrew, if you’re aware, what happens to roommates.nyc that name now?


I imagine they hold onto it for Andrew Allemann  –  Nov 4, 2016 1:45 PM

I imagine they hold onto it for future sale

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