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Germany’s Leading ISP Deutsche Telekom Under Cyberattack, Close to 900K Customers Affected

Close to a million Deutsche Telekom customers have had trouble getting online since Sunday afternoon which the company on Monday confirmed to be the result of an “outside” attack. Around 900,000 customers with specific routers are reported to have been affected. “According to our knowledge, an attack on maintenance interfaces is currently taking place worldwide,” reported to company on Monday. “This was also confirmed by the Federal Office for Information Security. Following the latest findings, routers of Deutsche Telekom costumers were affected by an attack from outside. Our network was not affected at any time. The attack attempted to infect routers with a malware but failed which caused crashes or restrictions for four to five percent of all routers. This led to a restricted use of Deutsche Telekom services for affected customers. We implemented a series of filter measures to our network.”

Update, Nov 29: “German internet outage was failed botnet attempt,” Eric Auchard reporting in Reuters from Frankfurt: “Deutsche Telekom’s head of IT Security Thomas Thchersich told the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel that the outages appeared to be tied to a botched attempt to turn a sizeable number of customers’ routers into a part of the Mirai botnet.”

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