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The Christmas Goat and IPv6 (Year 7)

It was a great year for the goat! 2016 marked the 50th anniversary for the Christmas Goat and there was a grand opening ceremony along with music and fireworks. But only a few hours after the opening, a pyromaniac set the goat on fire.

The only track the police have is a cap below that they hope to find DNA in and a crappy picture of the pyromaniac’s back.

Municipality of Gavle decided not to rebuild the Goat but there have been a little brother of it nearly in the same spot for many years. They moved that goat to the original place. But after a few days a car ran into the smaller Goat and overturned it. But shame on those who give up—so today the smaller goat is in place and upright!

For the first time with my IPv6 measurements of the goat, I will publish the result before it’s disabled by fire or dismantled (see live feed).

This year it was 27% native IPv6 unique visitors! But as usual there are very little action from Sweden.

Values from previous measurements:

2010 – 0.1% Native IPv6
2011 – 1 %
2012 – 1.4 %
2013 – 3.4 %
2014 – 11.1 %
2015 – 14 %
2016 – 27%

In Sweden we have almost doubled the IPv6 usage every year for three years now. From 1.2% 2014 to over 4% 2016. Is 4% good or bad? Very bad! Shame on you every major ISP in Sweden! :)


World wide Google also shows a clear increase so we can’t neglect IPv6 any more.


Have a happy and good IPv6 year during 2017!

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By Torbjörn Eklöv, Senior Network Architect, DNSSEC/IPv6

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Settlements will drive pervasive IPv6 adoption Michael Elling  –  Dec 21, 2016 10:47 AM

The internet lacks settlements providing price signals for incentives and disincentives between actors.  Want pervasive IPv6?  Introduce settlements.  Merry Christmas!

Late reply Torbjörn Eklöv  –  Jan 11, 2017 10:18 PM

I hope I understand you correctly.
Internet is ONE settlement, not two or four or infinite.

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