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Microsoft Becomes the Latest Company to Join the Internet Society’s MANRS Initiative

Microsoft has joined the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, supported by the Internet Society (ISOC) with the primary objective is to reduce the most common threats to the Internet’s routing system. Microsft is the latest of a number of industry giants around the world—including Oracle, GÉANT, and Comcast—to join MANRS.

Why MANRS: Salam Yamout, ISOC’s Regional Director Middle East explains: “In November, a routing incident in Nigeria caused Internet traffic to be rerouted through Russia and China. It lasted for just over an hour, but during that time, it significantly affected some cloud and search services globally, including Spotify and Google’s Search. It was one of more than 10,000 incidents, such as route hijacking and leaks, that occurred in 2018. Past events have led to large-scale Denial of Service attacks, stolen data, and financial losses. ... The November event, caused by a configuration mistake with a small ISP in Nigeria, shows that routing incidents can have significant global effects—impacting the security of the Internet itself.”

By joining the initiative, MANRS says network operators agree to prevents the propagation of incorrect routing information, prevents traffic with spoofed source IP addresses, facilitates timely communication and coordination, and encourages the publishing of routing data.

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