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CENTR Unveils Key Principles for Internet Policy Ahead of 2024 EU Elections

CENTR, an association of European country code top-level domain registries like .be (Belgium) and .it (Italy), has launched its initiative ‘Towards a Stronger Internet: Principles for the Next Digital Decade’. This follows a general meeting on November 14, 2023, and comes ahead of the 2024 EU elections. The initiative outlines strategies for protecting Europe’s digital future in the coming decade, especially considering potential strategic shifts in the next legislative term.

The key takeaways:

Influencing policymakers: The ‘Principles for the Next Digital Decade’ leverage CENTR members’ insights as key internet infrastructure players. These principles highlight essential areas for EU policymakers to focus on: Interoperability, Competition, Access & Cybersecurity, Fundamental Rights, Online Content, and Governance.

Free, neutral, transparent internet: CENTR’s guiding principles urge EU leaders to support a free Next Generation internet, create technology-neutral legislation, ensure access to European digital identifiers, maintain transparency in digital policy impact assessments, respect due process in content regulation, and craft evidence-based legislation.

Future-proof internet: Polina Malaja, CENTR’s Policy Director, emphasized the importance of including the perspectives of vital digital infrastructure players in policy-making to avoid negative impacts on the technical infrastructure. She highlighted CENTR members’ commitment to a robust, resilient, and future-proof internet, stressing the need to preserve the core elements of a free and open internet as the EU transitions into the next digital decade.

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