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Baltic Sea Infrastructure Targeted Amid Rising Geopolitical Tensions

The cargo ship Vezhen, seized for investigation, remains anchored off the coast of Karlskrona, Sweden, as Swedish authorities conduct examinations on January 27, 2025.

An underwater data cable linking Sweden and Latvia was damaged early Sunday, marking the fourth such incident in the Baltic Sea, fueling concerns within NATO regarding the security of critical infrastructure. Latvian Prime Minister Evika Siliņa described the damage as substantial, attributing it likely to external interference, prompting criminal investigations in both Latvia and Sweden. A Malta-flagged vessel, the Vezhen, has been detained as part of the probe.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson confirmed the damage, stating that close cooperation with NATO is underway. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed full solidarity with the Baltic nations, emphasizing the EU’s commitment to safeguarding critical infrastructure.

The incident follows a series of suspected sabotage acts involving Russian and Chinese vessels. In late 2023, a Chinese container ship, Newnew Polar Bear, severed a gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia, while the Chinese bulk carrier Yi Peng 3 was implicated in damaging two data cables in the region. Despite Chinese authorities boarding the latter vessel, Swedish investigators were denied access, sparking diplomatic tensions.

NATO surveillance measures: In response, NATO has launched Operation Baltic Sentry, deploying drones, submarines, ships, and aircraft to bolster surveillance and prevent further sabotage. Last month, Finnish authorities seized a vessel from Russia’s so-called “shadow fleet,” citing aggravated sabotage. This move has been praised by NATO allies as exemplary.

These developments coincide with the Baltic states’ plans to disconnect from the Soviet-era electricity grid and integrate with the continental European network in February—a symbolic final step towards Western integration. Lithuania’s foreign minister, Kęstutis Budrys, has called for stricter maritime navigation rules, citing the frequency of incidents as unlikely to be mere accidents.

As investigations continue, Latvia’s communications network has found alternative routes, underscoring the resilience of Baltic infrastructure amid growing geopolitical tensions.

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