Ryan Naraine reporting at Threatpost: “Head of Google’s anti-malvertising team Eric Davis wants Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to look beyond profits and take a more proactive approach to dealing with malware-infested computers on their networks. During a keynote presentation at the Virus Bulletin conference here, Davis said competitors in the ISP space must look beyond profits and partner on new initiatives to deal with the “parasites” that have taken control of the Internet landscape.”
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See http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-oreirdan-mody-bot-remediation-03 for one example, and also refer to relevant work that many ISPs are working on at MAAWG.
Unfortunately, Google is lobbying for onerous FCC rules which would prevent ISPs from doing sensible things like blocking the ports used by malware. This is one reason why “network neutrality” regulation is such a bad idea.