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Hawaiian Airlines Introduces Free Starlink Satellite Internet on Entire Airbus Fleet

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Hawaiian Airlines has completed the installation of Starlink’s high-speed satellite internet across its entire Airbus fleet, making it the first major U.S. carrier to offer free Wi-Fi powered by Starlink on transpacific flights. The service, available on all Airbus A330 and A321neo aircraft, provides passengers with fast, low-latency internet suitable for streaming, gaming, and work.

Passengers can connect to Starlink Wi-Fi as easily as they would to home internet upon boarding, enhancing their in-flight experience without any additional cost. Hawaiian Airlines started the rollout in February, and the service has since received positive feedback from travelers for its consistent performance, even over remote areas like the Pacific Ocean.

The airline found Starlink’s advanced satellite technology, utilizing a laser mesh network in low-Earth orbit, to be the perfect solution for ensuring reliable connectivity during long-haul flights.

Starlink expansion plans: Hawaiian Airlines plans to expand Starlink service to its Boeing 787-9 fleet but has no plans to install it on its Boeing 717s, which are used for short inter-island flights. This expansion solidifies Hawaiian Airlines as a leader in in-flight connectivity and follows a growing trend, with United Airlines recently announcing its own Starlink Wi-Fi plans.

By CircleID Reporter

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