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The Master of Your Domain: New gTLD Conference

ICANN’s ruling on the domain registries forever altered the way brands, associations, and other entities are represented online. The “dot com” era will soon be replaced with a myriad of possibilities involving “dot brand” and “dot generic”—essentially “dot anything.” The implications for SEO and trademark protection are critical, and the opportunities presented to brands, industry associations—even investors—is exploding.

Is this the new lakefront property bonanza of the Internet? This iBreakfast Conference will sort through the opportunities and surrounding issues.

Date: Aug 3, 2011
Speaker: Roland LaPlante
URL: The Master of Your Domain: New gTLD Conference

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By Afilias, Global Provider of Internet Infrastructure Service

Afilias is the world’s second largest domain registry, with more than 20 million names under management. Afilias powers a greater variety of top-level domains than any other provider, and will soon support hundreds of new TLDs now preparing for launch. Afilias’ specialized technology makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful through a wide range of applications, including Internet domain registry services, Managed DNS and mobile Web services like goMobi® and DeviceAtlas®.

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