
Cyberattack / Industry Updates

A United Front to Stop Cybercrime

As part of .ORG's ongoing pursuit for and commitment to a more secure global Internet, we have teamed up with Microsoft Corporation as well as fellow technology and academic leaders, including ICANN, NeuStar, VeriSign, CNNIC, Afilias, Global Domains International Inc., M1D Global, AOL, Symantec, F-Secure, ISC, researchers from Georgia Tech, the Shadowserver Foundation, Arbor Networks and Support Intelligence. more

Committed to Keeping the Internet a Safe Place

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry (PIR) is committed to providing a model for exemplary Registry practices. In furtherance of this goal, PIR has been working proactively to address domain name abuses including phishing, malware, child pornography, and spam distribution. more