
Cybercrime / Industry Updates

A Brief OSINT Analysis of Charming Kitten IoCs

Charming Kitten is a cybercriminal group believed to be of Iranian origin, which was first seen in 2014, but had been active for years after the initial detection. The group use an intricate web of methods such as spear phishing and impersonation. more

Revisiting APT1 IoCs with DNS and Subdomain Intelligence

Cyber espionage is a type of cyber attack that aims to steal sensitive and often classified information to gain an advantage over a company or government. The 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed that several hundreds of incidents across industries in the previous year were motivated by espionage. more

How Much of a Fortune 500 Company’s Digital Footprint Can Be Publicly Attributed to It?

Not all of the domains that contain a company's brand are under its control. A portion of them - sometimes even the vast majority -- is typically registered by unidentifiable third parties with masked WHOIS records. Arguably, WHOIS redaction might also be preferred by the companies themselves for privacy purposes. But to which extent is this the case? more

Business Email Compromise Attacks: The Big Phishing Scam That’s Easily Missed

Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are arguably the most sophisticated of all email phishing attacks, and some of the most costly. From 2016-2018, BEC alone made $5.3 billion, but it's not an attack that everyone is familiar with. more

10 Common Digital Threats to Businesses

The year 2020 has created an increased impetus for change - especially as companies embrace digital transformation at an accelerated pace. Cybercriminals have also upped their game, switching their attention to hot targets such as healthcare and pharmaceutical brands. more

Attack Surface Analysis: Most Blacklisted IP Addresses Scrutinized

The attack surface of every Internet user gets wider every day, but it doesn't mean there's nothing that can be done about it. For one, analyzing possible attack vectors, such as suspicious or malicious domain names and IP addresses, can help with attack surface management. more

Third-Party Vendor Risk Management: A Look into Top Couriers’ Digital Footprint

Just as no man is an island, no company can perform core functions without other organizations' help. This fact is highlighted in today's age of outsourcing, partnership, and third-party connections. Unfortunately, threat actors have also found a massive opportunity in these relationships. more

Attack Surface Reduction: Scrutiny of the Top Payment Processing Companies

Almost every transaction on the Internet is riddled with risks, and the use of online payment processing platforms is no exception. With more people opting to transact online and use digital wallets, threat actors have much to gain by targeting online payment processing platforms. more

Enriching IP Blacklists Using a Reverse IP/DNS Database

Every organization faces two kinds of cyber threats daily - "known" and "unknown" ones. Known threats are those that security experts have discovered, often published in blogs and major news outfits with accompanying indicators of compromise (IoCs). Unknown threats, meanwhile, are those that remain hidden to victims and researchers. IoCs for these have yet to be identified and disclosed. more

CSC’s Research on Election-Related Domains Aligns with Recent FBI and CISA Warning

Following a public announcement from the FBI and CISA warning the public to avoid spoofed election-related internet domains, CSC announced research findings that show the overwhelming majority of registered typo domains related to the election are vulnerable. more